[18] Cringe Worthy

Start from the beginning

I drive out of the station's parking lots, leaving the car void of conversation until we're almost back to my still darkened apartment building. "He grew up a lot." Hunter's steady voice chimes in from his spot in the back seat.

There is no hesitation in my response to him, none at all.

There is no hesitation in my response to him, none at all

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"We all did."


"He's on his way over to you as we speak. Thanks again for the help." I refrain from saying Phineas's name over the phone just as an extra procation. I don't know what Jason is capable of so it's better to be safe then sorry.

"Claire, it's no trouble at all." He repeats once more, but I can't help feel that he's just too nice to say if this is a hassle for him. "You act too much like a worried mother for someone your age." He jokes, eliciting a laugh from me.

"I care a lot. It's kinda a McCall thing. So let me know if something comes up, okay?" It's nerve wreaking to be in this situation, so I'm trying to make Hunter's transition as smooth as possible. After all the guy deserves it.

"My family and I will help with the transition over here." There's a long pause that makes me double check the screen of my phone to see if he hung up. I put the volume up thinking that it's a good idea, let me just say that it isn't.

"The real monster is the one who fools those around him!" I cringe from the loud volume, and all but throw the phone down the staircase. I hurry to put down the volume, but by the time I place the phone up to my ear again the call is already ended. What in the flying-- wait a minute that must have been his seer side speaking.

Would it have killed him to be a bit more quiet, or not give me a riddle to solve. I reach the lobby floor, with only a temporary shortness of breath to show for.

I step outside the building, and instantly frown upon spotting Derek by his new truck. My disappointed facial expression has nothing to do with Derek himself, or even the car, but the fact that it's Halloween -- and he isn't' dressed up.

I raise my hands up in astonishment. "I'm dressed as a giant cookie and you couldn't even meet me half way and dress as a glass of milk?!"

Seeing as how I've been too busy with supernatural hoopla to buy a costume in time to arrive this was the last thing I could get on such short notice.

I walk over to his car, catching how much he is trying to hide his smile at my predicament. After a few failed attempts at getting inside his car, and refusing his help I just take the darn thing off and fold it up in his back seat. "I'm helping myself to these." I state in regards to the bag of candy that he must have bought before picking me up.

"Sorry. I didn't want to walk out of my loft dressed as a glass of milk with Peter still around." He explains after a brief moment of silence. His moment of silence was in no doubt due to the fact that he was still trying to not let a laugh escape.

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