Thunder Storms // One shot

Start from the beginning

"Chat Noir?" A sweet voice rang through my ears. I turned around to see Marinette in her pajamas standing outside her balcony. "What are you doing out here princess? You're going to catch a cold." I sniffled. My voice was very raspy from all that crying.

"What am I doing out here? What are you doing out here? Chat, were you crying?" Marinette's blue bell eyes stared straight into my green ones.

"No." I looked away as more tears streamed down my face. "Chat, will you please come inside? I don't want you to get sick." Marinette crossed her arms.

I climbed down her roof and onto her balcony. My face hung low so she wouldn't see my tear stained face. "Come one kitty, let's get you dried up." She said kindly as she grabbed my hand and let me inside.

She set me down on her spiny chair and went to go get a towel. While I was waiting, I looked around her room. I've been here many times. I always wonder why she has pictures of my Adrien Agreste Modeling pictures on her wall. Maybe she's a fan?

She came back and pulled the chair next to her bed. She sat on the mattress and pulled the chair I was sitting in infront of her now. She caressed my cheek and made me look at her. Tears started falling from my face.

Marinette used the towel to wipe my face and hair and clothes. She used her thumb to wipe away my tears. "Chat, what's the matter?" She put her hands on my cheeks.

"Let's just say, I'm not a fan of thunder storms." I trailed off. "That's nothing to be afraid of Chat, lots of people are afraid of thunder storms!" Marinette hugged me.

"Come on, let's go in the bed." She interlaced our hands and layed in her bed. She patted the seat next to her. Instead of sitting next to the dark haired girl, I crawled on top of her and buried my face into her chest.

I started sobbing making her shirt wet. I felt a little bad because it had ladybug print on it and it suited her.

"It'll be alright." Marinette whispered as she tangled her fingers in my blonde locks. Tears pricked my eyes. She reminded me so much of when my mother did this. I missed her a lot. The storm was still roaring through the night and I gasped at every boom in the sky.

The storm started to die down and my eyes were growing heavy. "Are you ready to sleep you silly kitty?" She cooed. I nodded my head and embraced her tighter. She smiled and laid on her back and pet my hair.

"Purrr~" I immediately stopped. "Did you just purr?" Marinette giggled. "No.." I trailed off. "It's cute." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I blushed real hard, but she couldn't see because my face was looking the other way while I laid on her stomach. "Goodnight Chat." She yawned. He arms were still wrapped around my waist and our legs were tangled together.

"Good night my lady." I whispered to her sleeping face. I planted a kiss on her cheek and laid back down. I eventually fell asleep with Marinette holding me in her arms.

~Fast foward to morning~

I woke up still in Marinette's arms and looked at the clock. Tues 3/14/16, 7:00 am school starts in an hour and Marinette was still asleep. "See you at school My lady." I kissed her forehead and jumped out of the window.

Thunder Storms // Marichat [one-shot]Where stories live. Discover now