“You really have the locals wrapped around your little finger don’t you?” I grin at the guy sat across from me, he tears his attention away from the menu and glances up at me.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He replies with an air of innocence that makes me laugh. “I just come here a lot for take away food, we always have a chat whilst I wait, she actually owns this place with her husband, she does the front work he does the books.”

“What was with the hoodies comment?” I probe.

He sighs. “When I’m at home I always dress presentably, smart casual is as slobbish as gets and tracksuits are only acceptable whilst exercising. But when I’m here I can do what I like and my wardrobe is full of comfortable clothes.” I nod my head, I know exactly how he feels.

“My mother is like that, always wants me to look just right.”

“I never would have guessed.” He jokes and I scoff in mock horror. “I remember the paint splattered jeans you wore for our second one on one, the one before the party. Did she approve those?” He teases and I blush, I had felt self-conscious about those as soon as he had laid eyes on me.

“No, she would kill me if she knew I wore those to meet you.” I pause thoughtfully. “My dress made up it for it though. It was a hit at the party.” I say in my defence.

“Yeah. I definitely remember the dress.” My light blush heats up to a bright stain across both cheeks and I look down at the menu hiding my own little smile. “Have you decided what you want?” When it comes to Chinese food I always have one of two dishes, so I had already made my decision before I had even gotten in the apartment’s elevator. I look up to see him grinning at me.


“You’re blushing.” He helpfully points out sitting back in his chair with a lazy smile.

“It’s warm in here.” I lie.

“Erhu.” He doesn’t sound too convinced and there is a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

“Stop looking at me like that!” I protest.

“Like what?” He leans forward again so that his arms are resting on the table.

“Like that. All intense like.” He laughs but I am saved from the conversation as Lucy swoops back down on us to take our order.

“I’m sure we didn’t ask for all this.” I point out bewildered as plate after plate is placed on our small table for two.

“No we didn’t.” He chuckles, picking something up with his chopsticks to inspect it.

“They must have the wrong table.” I look around for a waiter.

“This is Lucy’s doing.” He states before popping the piece of food into his mouth. “You should try that one.” He says appreciatively.

“Why has she sent us all of this?”

“This is what she calls the Date Mix. It’s pretty much two of every starter on the menu. She believes it is an intimate sharing experience. She’s trying to help me win you over.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and I give him a look that says he is crazy. “I didn’t order it! So eat something before she comes to see what the problem is.”

Picking up my own chopsticks I pluck a random dim sum of a random plate. “Good thing I don’t have any food allergies.” I state dryly before taking a bite, it briefly crosses my mind how thankful I am for the chopsticks since I can’t hold a knife and fork. Flavour explodes on my tongue and I hum in appreciation as I detect the flavours of seafood, ginger, soy sauce all mingling together.

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