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Authors note:

My characters name is Quinn and she is part of Anaya's tree crue tribe. She is best friends with both Anaya and Lincoln. And the righting in italics is grounder language and the English translation will be in brackets on the side.

Thanks, Key


I was Up in my tree as Anaya ordered. She had told me that the Pumas were not going for the dead bait anymore so she is having me watch the live bait so that,well you know, stay alive. For the bait Anaya had suggested badger because we don't like the meats but it's big enough for the Pumas to want to go for it, currently the bait is wriggling and trying to get away from the tree but with those knots I tired I wouldn't count on it. All of a sudden I heard a loud rumble coming from the sky and when I looked up I saw what looked like a giant piece of junkie scrap metal falling from the sky.

"Sky krue!" {sky people} I yell. I had heard legends of people who went and lived up in the sky with all the stars when the war started 97 years ago, but of course those are only legends, right? I quickly scurry down my tree to see what the commotion was all about. Once I am low enough I jump down from my tree and sprinted in the direction of the sound.

I keep running until I reach a decent sized clearing with a large Metal space ship sitting tally in the centre. I scan the area for any possible threats only to catch the figure of my best friend, Lincoln. He quickly flags me over towards him so if these new people do pose a threat we will be together if we need to attack. We sit silently waiting for any sign of life or movement of any sort but so far nothing.

Suddenly a large metal door starts lowering So Lincoln and I quickly climb up to a safe viewing point in the trees, Lincoln being on the branch beside me. When I look back I see a very pretty girl with long brown hair walk cautiously down the metal door. When she reaches the bottom of the metal door she jumps down onto two feet, throughs her fists in the air and screams.

" WERE BACK B*TCHES!" At the top of her lungs. As soon as she is finished screaming Tons of people from all different, ages, sizes, genders and races run out screaming a variatie of different things. I look at all of them I make an estimate guess of all of them And I come to the conclusion that there can't be any more than 100. I look over to Lincoln to tell him my estimated conclusion and see that he is even watching the new people but instead he is drawing a picture, a picture of me to be more prosice. In his drawing I am in the tree with my red hair slightly blowing in the wind and my gaze fully concentrated on the new people and he even managed to get the mountains perfectly right in the background.

I look down at a blonde girl talking with a darker skinned boy at a map and as soon as I heard the words "Mount Weather" come from the blondes mouth I knew these people would cause a problem.

~ Yay I'm so excited first chapter is up!~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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