Chapter 1️⃣8️⃣ New Schools and Life Stories

Start from the beginning

I walked up to the doors and waved at him as he got in the car and drove.

I hugged and walked in. People gave me looks but said nothing. I found the office and walked in.

The women behind the counter was young and looked bored.

I smiled and walked up. "Hello," I said.

She looked up from her computer and began chewing her gum louder.

"What do you want child?" She asked bitterly.

"Umm, I'm new. My name is..." I continued to tell her my information as her face was shocked.

"Eric and Selena's daughter!" She said making a once over at my cloths.

"They aren't my real parents. I mean Eric is my brother. But I call him dad. And he is marrying Selena. So me and my sibling will call her mom. Ss her daughter will call Eric dad," I explained.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry I was rude! I just really hate some of the kids here! Anyway. Here is your schedule, locker number, and combination! If you have questions come and ask!"

I nodded and said my goodbyes as I went to start looking for my class.

I got to my locker and looked at my schedule.

Math | Mrs. Amelia|

Language Art | Mr. Josh|

PE | Mr. Alex. |


Geography | Mrs. Rita |

Physics | Mrs. Sheila |

Art | Mrs Alison |

I'm actually okay with the classes. It will all be easy because I have a photogenic memory. Making whatever I see always stay in my mind.

I the bell rang as I was trying to put my Physics book in my locker and take my math.

Once I got all the right books the hall was deserted.


I looked around and continued walking. I turned corners and went up the stairs so many times.


I turned a corner and knocked right into someone. I tightly closed my eyes. I was waiting to hit my butt so I can whine and complain for the rest of the day about my ass being sore.

But it never came instead I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I kept my eyes closed until I heard the voice.

"You can open your eyes now love," I opened one and came face to face with a really cute boy. Geez.

I smiled and he let go of me. I quickly opened my other eye. And chuckled at my stupidityz


"What class?" He asked.

"Math. Mrs Amelia," I said looking at my schedule.

"Heading there now. Your don't mind if I use you as an excuse as to why I'm late. Do you?" He asked and I chuckled shaking my head.

We reached the class and the teacher believed him. She turned to me and smiled as she told me to sit.

After she took attendance she asked me to stand and introduce my self.

"Hello, my name is Elliana Elizabeth Evans. Everyone calls me Ella. So just call me that. Umm, my Dad uh well brother is Eric Evans. My uhh sister in law I guess can be called my mother is Selena Adam."

"Wait as in Eric Evan the one  who owns a five star hotel and a law firm?" Some guy pippes up.

"Uhh. Ya that's him," I reply.

"OH MY GOSH'! SELENA ADAM? As in the one the owns Stephanie's FASHION LINE?" A girl with a cake face asked.

"Yup. The one and only," I say as I smile thinking about her.

"What she's your mom?" Some other kid asked.

"I have younger twin siblings. They don't really understand that our mother is dead," I heart ached as I said this.

"So Eric stepped up and told us to call him dad. Since then we have. Selena's mother died two years back leaving her family with a little baby. Her dad blamed it on Sophie so Selena kept her in a care home will she turned 18. Sophie sees Selena as her mother."

"And when My dads bestfriend  Noah set them up they hit it off. Now my siblings and I call her mom. And Sophie calls my dad, her dad," I finished.

"Wait where is your real dad?"

"He died 4 years back," I replied swiftly.

"You live one complicated life."

I turned my head to the guy who led me to this class and shrugged.

I guess they know my life story now.


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