#3 - You Are Dealing With Something Hard (Lashton)

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"Ashton" I said. It was about 4am and I was crying like a little baby. I had just got a really bad new and I needed Ashton so hard right now. "Ash p-please wake up" I said while my voice was breaking and I barely could see what I was doing because of the tears all over my eyes. "ASHTON" I said screaming in a desesperted way. "Y/N? Babe? What happened!?" He asked a little confused waking up. "He-he is d-dead Ashton, he i-is dead..." I said feeling the tears roling down my face. "Come here" He said opening his arms. I hugged him in a very strong way, making his chest wet because of my tears. "Who is gone, babe?" He asked after a few seconds. "Chris" I said. I just got a call from my family saying that my brother was gone in a car accident and I was feeling the worst. "Oh, baby. Shhh, he is in a better place now" Ash said trying to make me feel better. "He wasn't ready to go!" I said starting to cry again. "You will get trough this. I am gonna be here for you, I love you, little." We spent almost all night like this, me crying and Ash trying to calm me down.

(This takes pleace when you are best friends 😚)
It was the third time this week. It happened again. I always try to make myself believe that he loves me and that he is doing this because he loves me, but its getting harder everyday. He don't allow me to go see my friends, to be with someone, to live my life. And I can't tell anyone or he will hit me again. I finally could go to Luke's house. It had to be quick or Sam, my boyfriend, would miss me, start calling none stop, come pick me up and hit me. Again. I walked over Luke's house. We had our normal chat and we went inside, to watch a movie. Luke sat on the couch and I sat beside him, making myself confortable. Luke wrapped his arms around me, touching a bit of my bellie. I moaned in pain, that was the place Sam hitted me two days ago and it was hurting really bad. "Y/N, I hurted you? Let me see." Luke said trying to put my shirt a little bit up. "No, I am fine." I said with my voice breaking. "Let me check, please." He putted my shirt up and saw the purple mark I had there. "Y/N... Who did this to you?" He asked really worried. "S-sam has been hitting me and... I-i couldn't tell no one and... And..." I said starting to cry. "Shhhh." He said hugging me. "I need your help, Luke, please." I said crying against his chest. "I will help you no matter what. I can't understand how someone can hurt you."

Sorry I have been gona but I have been really busy with school this last weeks.
I will upload Malum one today, and I will upload the fanfic too 😽
Please don't be shy and leave me ALL of your requestes, BECAUSE I NEED IDEASSSS!

So that's it, bye for nowwwww
Meg 😁🌼❤️

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