Chapter 3

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When I woke up, Stiles was gone, He wasn't next to me anymore and he was not in the room. I panicked, What if someone take him or he had a nightmare again and he sleepwalked. Then suddenly I smelled bacon and pancakes from downstairs.

I walked downstairs and I saw Stiles, He was making breakfast for me.

'' Hi, You are finally awake, I make you breakfast '' He said with a smile.

'' Thanks, but why? ''

'' Because of you I didn't had a nightmare last night '' I smiled. He did the fire off and he laid the pancakes with bacon on a plait.

'' Here you go '' I smiled harde. It smelled delicious.

''Are you not going to eat? '' I asked because he seemed very thin.

'' No, I'm not hungry ''

'' Stiles... You are not starving yourself, aren't you? '' He didn't answered me.

'' I really have to get dressed, I have school in 30 minutes '' and then he went upstairs, I hear the shower go one.

I don't know if he was really starving hisself or he just was not hungry, but it was Stiles, Stiles has always hungry. Maybe I should get him something if I drove him to school.

I finish my breakfast and I went upstairs, After 20 minutes Stiles was still showering so I wanted to tell him that he most finish now or he will be late.

I knocked on the door.

'' Stiles, Are you almost ready? You have school in 10 minutes! '' He didn't answered.

'' Stiles?? '' Still nothing, I listened if I could hear an heart beat, But there were two heart beats. I opened the door, That was apparently was not locked, and I saw a man that holded Stiles but I hearded someone after me but the man stuck a needle in my neck and everything became black.


I woke up with a bad headache, I looked to the window and I saw it was already dark, I also saw I was still in the bathroom but the two man were gone, with Stiles. I tried to stand up but I failed thenI saw a note on the sink with my name on it.

dear Derek,

I got your little Stiles, He is you mate, Isn't it? You are probally now very angry at me and you want your Stiles back but I can not do that. He is mine now. Every 5 hours I'm going to facetime you and then I'm going to torture Stiles, Why? Because I want you to break, to hurt you and if I have to use Stiles for that I will love to, and when you are broken and weak I'm going to kill you, or maybe Stiles and one thing, If you hang up or don't pick up, I'm going to kill Stiles.

Sincerely anonymous.

I cried, But I then an anonymous number facetimed me, I was scared for what I was going to see now. I pike up and I saw Stiles standing in front of the camera, he was crying and his hands were tied. A man appeard now, he was big and muscular.

'' Are you ready derek '' he asked with a grin on his face.

'' Stiles, are you ready '' Stiles started to cry harder.

The man started to kick Stiles in his stomach and Stiles felt to the ground, Then the man kicked him serveral times on his back, Stiles screamed as hard as he could and he started to he cried more and more, I couldn't take it any longer. I wanted to look away.

'' No, no Derek you most watch or we are going to kill him '' He laughed.

'' D-Der'k, J-just hang u...up '' Stiles said he could hardly speak because of the pain.

I looked back at Stiles and the man started to punch him in his face, his nose started to bleed and I already knew that there was going to be a big bruise on his eye. The man hit hem a few times in his face and then Stiles was uncunscious.

'' Well that didn't last long '' the man said with a smile.

'' Well that was it for now, see you about 5 hours '' and then he hanged up before I could say anything. I stared at my screen were I saw Stiles being tortured, because of me. Why don't they tortured me? Why don't they leave Stiles away from all this shit. I started to cry, again.

After 20 minutes of crying I decided to call everyone to say there was an important packmeeting, they most come very quickly.

10 minutes past and Scott and Isaac were the first one here. Then Liam came in and 5 minutes later Allison and Lydia.

'' What is the reason for this packmeeting? Scott and I were busy with something '' Isaac said a little frustrated.

'' Stiles is being kidnapped, and every five hours they are going to call me and torture Stiles '' I explain. everybody was still now they all loked sad, of course they were sad, the mom of the pack was being kidnapped and everybody love Stiles.

'' Who toke him '' Allison asked

'' I don't know it was somebody I never saw before. ''

My phone was ringing and when I looked at my screen I saw it was the same number.

'' Hello Derek, I know the 5 hours aren't ever yet but I thought all your friends were with you now '' he started.

'' And now we are going to torture Stiles again, But now all your friends can watch, oh and look Stiles is you woke up '' he grinned

I saw Stiles still laying on the ground, he was indeed awake but he was not strong anymore. he already had bruise everywhere.

'' Oh my god, turn off your sound so that they can't here ous '' Lydia wispered.

I turn off my sound and I looked confused at Lydia.'

'' I can hear him, I can hear Stiles '' Lydia said with her eyes close. Everybody loked confused at Lydia.

'' He says that he is not very far from here, It is almost 7 hours driving and he is probally in an abandoned building but he don't now for sure '' Lydia said now with her eyes open.

I looked at my screen again and I saw Stiles was spitting blood now.

'' Stiles we are come for you, hang on '' I said in my head.

The man grabbed a tazer and stabbed him in his side, Stiles screamed of the top of his longs and then he passed out. For a werewolf it would not be so painful but Stiles was a human and than it would hurt like hell

'' See you in five hours '' and he hanged up.

'' Guys, I know the were he is '' Lydia said happy.

I felt some hope now. '' We are going to get you Stiles ''

'' So what are we waiting for? '' Liam asked.

'' We most have a plan first '' Scott said

'' No, we can not wait, Have you not seen Stiles? He is going to die if we are not going now! '' I said angry and frustrated, I want Stiles back, My Stiles, My mate.

We all walked to our cars, I took Liam. Scott and Isaac were together and then Lydia was with Allison. We all followed Lydia, she was the only one who now were Stiles was, She was are only hope

Hi guys, Thanks for still reading my book, I hope you like it and if you want you can also read my other book and I think I'm going to update every thursday from now so now you know that. Bye commant or vote if you want <3

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