I smile at the two of their busy bodies before heading down the stairs. I find Brandon and Mary in the kitchen cooking. Well, a very pregnant Mary is cooking at least. Brandon is just sitting at the island watching. I shake my head in disapproval and I make my way towards Mary. "Brandon, the least you could do is make her something to eat seeing as she's about to give birth to your son." I nudge him on my way by. I know she's ready to get that baby out of her and her feet are swollen. She's been having trouble sleeping and Brandon - much to his effort - isn't being much of a help to her. So anytime that I can, I help her out. "Here, go sit down and I'll finish this up."

She sighs deeply and gives me an appreciative squeeze on my shoulder before taking a seat beside her mate. Brandon's hand instantly wraps around her waist. "You don't know how good it feels to sit down and just relax. My feet and ankles are so swollen and my back is killing me. Not to mention my hormones are all over the place and I'm so moody all the time! I hate being pregnant! I can't believe I let you," she jabs her finger into Brandon's ribs, "talk me into doing this again." She leans forward and rests her head against the counter as Brandon starts rubbing her back for her. She groans softly as his fingers dig into her sore muscles. "I swear as amazing as it is to hold your baby after they're born, everything that comes with being pregnant almost doesn't make up for it."

"Did you have this bad of a time when you were pregnant with James?" I ask as I cut the chicken into slices before placing them in the pan. She sighs and just shakes her head. "Have you talked to the doctor?" She sits up and frowns at me.

"Yes, he said he thinks this baby is going to be bigger than James was when he was born. He thinks that because I'm... in a better environment," she hesitates as her mind no doubt travels back to her time as hostages to Blue Bloods, "that my body hasn't been under the same kind of stress, so the baby has been able to grow easier without any complications." I watch her eyes shift to her belly lovingly. No matter how much she complains about being pregnant, it's beyond obvious that Mary loves her babies more than anything. James is an angel and I have no doubt this one is going to be just like his older brother. "Have you considered having more kids, Alaina?" she asks as she leans further into Brandon's side.

I look down and close my mouth tight. I turn back around and check the chicken when I hear Brandon scold her quietly. I let my head hang for a second as I think about her words. Sighing, I turn around to face them as I say, "It's not that I don't want more kids, or that I don't want Everleigh to have siblings... but without Mason I just don't see myself having any more kids. He's supposed to be the father to all my children. If Everleigh is all that I get, then I'm okay with that. My wolf doesn't want anyone else, and neither do I."

"I know you don't like to talk about it, but what's going to happen when it's time for the pack to appoint a new Alpha? You're the only one who can give that role away. Don't get me wrong," Brandon chuckles lightly as I glare at him, "I love how you've been running the pack. Seeing as you complained about the rules Mason had and then turned around and added onto those rules with your own. We're striving with you as our leader, but eventually we're going to need our next Alpha."

He takes a deep breath and glances at Mary before looking back at me. "I'm all for Everleigh taking the role when the time comes, but there are a lot of people who will see that as an invitation to attack. No one tried anything with you because you were put into the position because we lost Mason and you had help. She'd be, well, thrown to the wolves in a way."

I know he's right. Everleigh can take over the role of Alpha and when she finds her mate in the future, he will become Alpha alongside her if I don't have any more children. Brandon's right that appointing her alone would be risky for the pack. No one tried anything because they either respected Mason enough or knew I had Randy and Ace at my back if need be. Everleigh would have us backing her, but that doesn't mean people wouldn't challenge her. One mistake of a young girl could be disastrous for this pack.

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