Chapter 2

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Ruby's p.o.v

After dinner everyone went to there separate rooms to get some rest for our journey back to beacon. I knocked on Weisses door not hearing anything so I walked in.

I heard a noise so I shot my head to where it came from. I looked over to Weisses bed and saw a lump in her bed, I walked towards it very slowly.

Once I got to the edge of the bed the lump moved and made moaning noises.

"Aaaawwwww Rubbbyy"

My face was in complete shock.


I yanked the blankets off of the bed to reveal a naked Weiss! Her Snow White face was now hinted with red.

She was so busy with what she was doing she didn't realize that the blankets were gone or that I was watching her.

And then she did.


"N-not l-long" I replied

It's not that I'm grossed out by what she did it's just oh my god Weiss Schnee was yelling my name as she masturbated.

So I just did what I've been wanting to do for years. I moved her hands from her face and kissed her climbing on top of her.

We parted and she looked at me with shock.

"Weiss you don't know how long I've waited to do that and I know how long you've been waiting for that too so don't push me away" I said in all seriousness.

She didn't say anything, but she pulled my face back to hers to capture my lips in hers.

The kiss was passionate. Until Yang called over the ear piece.

"Psssstt...........Ruby" Yang said.

Also Weiss could hear since the coms were all connected.

"Yes Yang" I replied.

"How's you and the ice queen" Yang asked.

"Um she can hear you and I'm kinda busy right now........"  I said, but also kinda hinted.

"Oh......oooooohhhhhh I gotcha" Yang said then stopped talking.

"Sometimes I wonder about your sister" Weiss comments.

"Ya.....same" I replied.

"No where were we?" Weiss asked before bring my face back down.

After a few hours of making out and talking about random stuff, Weiss finally asked.

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" Weiss asked.

I layed there for a second longer before using my semblance to get into my PJs quicker.

When I came back I was in black and red compression shorts and a black sports bra, showing off my stomach showing a faint an line and obviously the cloth covering my right eye.

Crawling into Weisses bed and her cuddling with me laying her head on my chest.
Hours later. Weiss's p.o.v


Ruby shot up on to her feet.

"Ruby what are you doing?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"Ssssshhhh. Wait" is all she said.

She put the ear piece in then spoke.

"Yang, Blake is that you?" She asks.

"Oh ya sorry sis" Yang said.

"What- never mind" Ruby said and took the ear piece out of her ear crawling back into bed.

"Blake and Yang huh?" I said half asleep.

"Ya, but it's all good you back to sleep now" Ruby said kissing me on the nose.

I smiled the fell back asleep.


I woke up and I fell kinda like new, its weird. Also Ruby's arm is over my face considering she's spread out across my bed sleeping like a rock. I moved her hand and put it behind my head, then just cuddled with her putting my arm over her abdomen and leg over hers.

She snorted then started talking in her sleep.

"No don't take my cookies Weiss those are mine" she mumbled.

"No! Yang she's taking my milk and cookies" she continued until she woke up.

"So I'm stealing your cookies now huh?" I asked as she awoke.

"Ya Weiss why you gotta steal my cookies (snaps fingers in Z formation) rue girl rue" she smiled.

"Because I'm that mean" I joked.

"But get dressed we leave for Vale in a few hours" I said in a serious tone.

"Yes ma'am" she said as she got up and left to get dressed.......

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