Chapter 1

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"I don't see why Laurence couldn't get off the tour bus himself, I mean he could've walked all the way to this stupid grocery store and get his own stupid snack" I grumbled while walking into the twenty-four hour grocery spot.

It was empty except for the workers. I walked down the isles searching for Laurence's stupid food.

As I rounded a corner I noticed another figure.

What crazy person would be in the candy section at 3 am?!

The girl had black hair that was pulled up in a messy bun, she had a black T-shirt on with, what I think, was some sort of game controller on the front. And she was also only in sweatpants and slippers.


Yet she was still beautiful.

She glanced up and her hazel eyes held some sort of anger? Wait, why isn't she rushing for my autograph? That's what most girls do when they see me, or the members of my band.

"Why the heck are you staring creep?!" She bit out angrily.

Staring?! I wasn't...wait...I kinda was

"Oh...u-uh...sorry, I-I'm just shocked by your actions th-thats all"

"You're shocked that I'm buying candy?"

"At...three in the morning"

"I guess that's strange for some people..." I barely heard her mumble, "still. Didn't your mother ever tell you its rude to stare?"

"Didn't your mother ever tell you its dangerous to talk to strangers"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, creep"

I just grabbed the bag of weird candy and went to the checkout.


I sighed.



I felt my face heat up and I looked anywhere but at the cashier. I looked behind me and saw the same girl, she had an eyebrow lifted as she walked over to the other cashier.

"Please...uh....keep it down?"


"Uh...yeah, sure" I signed her random paper she had on her and patiently waited for her to ring up my item.

How long does it take to get my one item rung up!?

I bitterly grumbled in my head. I thanked the lady after paying and started on the way out.

"Hey! Wait!" I turned and saw strange girl jogging up to me.

Probably recognized me and wants an autograph-

"What are you famous or somethin'?" She joked, "making cashiers fangirl, I wouldn't call that normal"

"I thought I told you not to talk to strangers"

"Geez, I just wanted to know why the heck you made such a commotion"

"You really don't know who I am" I chuckled with amusement.

"No, should I?"


Wait Garroth! This may be your one chance! This girl doesn't know about your lifestyle so maybe you'll finally get a friend that you know isn't there for your money

"No, you shouldn't. I guess I must look like a celebrity because she made me give her an autograph" I shrugged.

"okay, seeya never hopefully" she laughed and started on her way.

"I never caught your name!" I yelled.

"And you're never going to catch it!" She yelled back while getting into her car.

Her hazel eyes burned into my memory.

I got back on the tour bus and threw the bag of candy at Laurence.

"Here" I grumbled.

"Mr. Grumpy, now? Was it really that cold?" Dante asked while sitting across from Laurence.

"Well, no. I met a girl-"

"Oooooooh" Laurence teased while poking my gut, "is Garroth finally gonna get a girl?"

"Relax Laurence, this guy lacks the confidence, and suave to get a girl" Zenix joined in hopping onto the counter.

Great, now the whole band is here

"Hey!" I yelled offended at Zenix's accusation.

"It's true" Laurence agreed, "I mean, you did get the nickname 'stutter king' cause you have zero confidence with girls"

"Shut up!" I groaned while looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah guys, let him finish the story" Dante agreed.

I let out a breath and leaned on the counter beside Zenix.

"Anyways, this girl didn't recognize me. So I immediately became confused and absent mindedly stared at her she said I was a creep and I went to the check out. The woman there recognized me and started to freak out. After I left the first girl came out and asked why the cashier freaked out. I just shrugged and said I didn't know"

"And this is relevant because...?" Zenix chuckled

"She was sarcastic, and rude and confusing. That's why I'm Mr. Grumpy"

"Well that was a great story, I laughed I cried, it spoke to me on a different level. I found myself" Laurence sarcastically said while yawning, "I'm gonna go to bed"

"More like text Katelyn" Dante said under his breath so only the rest of us could hear. We laughed and Dante pulled out his phone. "Speaking of bed I wanna get some sleep for the concert tomorrow. Night guys"

"Bet he's going to text Nicole" Zenix whispered.

"I HEARD THAT!" Dante bellowed and became flustered "b-besides! I-its not like Nicole and I-I are a thing! Just long time friends-"

"Bro, relax, go to sleep" I laughed.

"And then there were two" Zenix sighed.

"You're on your own, I'm tired and want sleep. Night"

And with that I crawled into bed.

Those hazel eyes

A/N There!!!! I'm making a comeback guys! And it's gonna be great!!!!! So how do you like this? It's a concept that I was playing around with and decided to make my first 'second generation' garrmau book this one. And by second generation, I mean since I can't get my old account, these books on here will be my second generation. I love you all devils, thanks for being so supportive through this messed up situation. I love you all, byeee

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