4/What makes you think I couldn't rescue myself?"

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"Miss Stark?" Jarvis' voice filled the room. Ella mumbled something before turning over in bed, planning on get a few more hours sleep.

"MISS STARK!" Jarvis called again, this time louder. Ella bolted up in bed.

"Wha-?" Ella started

"Miss Potts thought you might need a wake up call for breakfast." The AI explained.

Ella groaned as the curtains began to open, light streaming in through the windows. She shoved the covers away from her body before stumbling to the bathroom to take a shower. Ella was slightly nervous about having breakfast with all the avengers – minus Thor who was still away on Asgard. It would be the first time they would all be in the same room together. Ella chose to wear a pair of jeans along with her brown boots and a white vest top. Sighing at her uncooperative hair she decided to leave her curls free, they reached to just below her shoulders. She quickly added her make-up before making her way to the elevator.

Everyone was already in the kitchen by the time she got there. Pepper was in the kitchen with Tony arguing about the amount of pepper to put on the eggs. Bruce was at the head of the table reading over a file, Ella guessed it was to do with the work him and Tony did in the labs. Steve was sat next to him stirring his coffee. Clint and Natasha were sat on the opposite side of the table, deep in conversation.

"Good Morning." Ella said as she took a seat next to Clint.

"Mini-Stark!" Clint declared, Ella looked at him sceptically – apparently that nickname was sticking.

"Morning." Natasha said giving the brunette a small smile before taking a sip of her drink. Steve smiled at her warmly and Bruce lifted his head from his papers to nod in her direction.

"Great Ella you're up. How about working in the lab with me and Bruce today, I need your help on a new program I am running?" Tony asked as he entered the kitchen with the first two plates, putting them in front of the two assassins.

"Tony! Let the girl have breakfast first!" Pepper chastised him as she set down a plate of eggs in front of Bruce and Steve. Both thanked her politely.

"It's fine Pep," She called to the red head who had disappeared back into the kitchen, "Sure I can do that," She said now addressing Tony.

"No kid, save yourself." Clint muttered next to her. Ella laughed.

"Is it that bad?" She asked quietly.

"You have no idea" Was his simple reply.

"Hey I will have you know that working with me and Bruce is an honour!" Tony announced, pretending to be offended.

"Its fine I have nothing else to do today, I need to explore the city at some point but that can wait." Ella said making a mental note to ask Pepper if she was free to show her around some time.

"I can have Happy take you, he'll show you around." Tony offered

"No thanks driving around in a limo isn't my idea of 'exploring'" Ella replied.

"I'll take you...if you want that is?" Steve spoke up

"Really? That would be great" Pepper just looked at Ella from across the table, giving her a knowing look. Ella ignored it.

"Wait you're going to let Capiscle show you around? I guarantee you will get lost within five minutes of leaving the building." Tony said

"It's not that hard to figure out Tony, besides this tower is big enough to see from miles around. I do actually know my way around New York just fine." Steve argued. Ella was about to cut in, worried about whether this would lead to a fight when Bruce stopped her.

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