I ordered an action and it came with a consequence

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'What the he'll was that?' My voice was hushed, whatever was in the forest couldn't be good.

'I don't know but we can't run away. We have to stay low until the woods and run.' Alex was crouching on the ground and pulled me down. He was right. The girls voice wasn't familiar.

I nodded in agreement, and we canna do crawled through the long grass to the other side of the field, where another forest lay. It was so dark and the trees looked like haunting silhouettes. There was no choice.
Me and Alex started running through the forest, Alex tripping over rocks at some points. What a klutz.

'I don't understand any of this, Alex!' I stopped running and started crying. I couldn't take it anymore. Warning: major mood swing

'Understand what? We have to run, there's no choice!'

'All in today, I've ran from people who are trying to kill me, I've shot people I don't even know! Do you think this is normal?'

'I know how you feel, but when we know that whatever shot the screaming thing is gone, well I'll help you get away from, this life. I'll take you away. We can do anything-'

Alex was cut off by repetitive beeping coming from a few metres away. I looked over. A red light was planted in the ground, beeping and looked as if it was going to explode. Duh! A bomb.


We scrambled into our feet and tried to run. Everything went into slow motion.

A huff of breath.

A stick breaking.

A blink of an eye.

The smell of smoke.

An explosion


The explosion made me lose two things. My patience and ... Alex. It was hard looking down and seeing him on the ground, blood all around him. It was hard to clear my vision after tears stained my eyes. It was hard saying goodbye to him, and his last words to me, 'you can survive.' It was hard running, running away from the one grasp of a friend I had.

But consequences come with actions, and that took me a while to figure out.

(So? How's the book going? Any suggestions?)

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