Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Alex's POV

I stare at the beautiful girl singing the national anthem. My mind is running wild! She's the one and I can't get off the bench to go and talk to her. During the game, it's a fight to stay focused. I keep staring up into the stands at her with my brother. Was it a false alarm?? Was I wrong? Is she not really here? Damn it! I wince and shake my wrist. Snap out of it Alex! Get your head in the game.

After my shift, I go to my dad holding my wrist.

"Dad, my wrist. Something's wrong," I say.

"Go show the trainer. Why would you come to me."

"Because it's that kind of pain." His mouth drops open and I nod.

"Come here," he walks to the opening and he turns my wrist over.

"Well you've seen her, when did this start?"

"Tonight when the girl was singing the national anthem."

"Could she be the one?"

"I don't know. She's up with Will and I can't help but think it was a false alarm. Why is it purple?"

"Maybe that's her eye colour? It wouldn't be a false alarm just talk to him at the end of the game."

"Yes, sir," at the end of the game I undress and take the quickest shower I've ever taken in my life. After I do that I fly out of the locker room with my equipment on my shoulder to find my brother.

"Where is she?" I ask setting my stuff down.

"Calm down she'll be out in a second. I knew she was yours," William smirks.


"She has two different initials A.N and W.N."

"So Alexander Nylander and William Nylander?"

"Yep," our dad comes over and stands with us. My wrist starts to burn again and I get excited.

"She's touching my initials!" I exclaim excitedly.

"I know she's touching mine too," William says looking somewhere and I follow his eyes. Standing there in my jersey with beautiful violet eyes was none other than my soulmate. She runs towards me and my heart starts to beat double time. I tighten my grip on her.

"Hi," she whispers into my chest.

"Hello beautiful," I whisper not letting go of her. She's here, in my arms! I see Will come behind her and embrace the both of us and we start to let off this light that has people stopping.

"My boys," dad says causing the three of us to, unfortunately, break away. People start to clap and I see Calena hide her face. "I'm Michael, Will and Alex's dad. A pleasure to meet you," he finishes shaking Calena's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you too. I'm Calena," she says her voice wavering.

"I know," dad laughs causing her face to drop and she starts to blush. Aw her blush is so adorable. "Sorry I heard your name announced, you have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you, Michael," she smiles. "Are you all hockey players?" The three of us nod.

"I was but now I'm the assistant coach for Alex's team."

"What team did you play for?"

"Umm Hartford Whalers, Washington Capitals, Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks-" She cuts him off with an excited expression on her face.

"That's how I know you! My dad is a huge Blackhawks fan and we grew up watching them. Every time a former Blackhawk would play the Blackhawks he would be like oh and this is so and so he played from this time to this time," she lets out the cutest little giggle ever. "I'm sorry I interrupted you."

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