Chapter 5

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*Brasen's POV*

"Amberlynn do you want anything to drink? Eat? Watch? Entertainment?" She's made my stomach knot up so bad, I'm nervous and stuttering, my heart beat has to be out the roof. Oh my I didn't even ask her about herself!

"No, no I'm fine, how old are you?" WHEW!! She broke the ice.

Suddenly nervous again but I had to answer, "I'm seventeen, what about you?"

"Same, if you're my age how come I never see you around school?"

Blushing I dropped my head because the floor is suddenly an amazing thing to look at. "I-um I dropped."

"Oh..", she was still looking at me, probably wondering if she should even waste her time, "why?"

I cleared my throat, "when our parents died..I got pretty depressed. I didn't leave my room for a while. After I finally started leaving my room for things other than food and the bathroom I just didn't even leave the house. So now I'm stuck here, kinda."

She was starting to get comfy, I guess she planned on being here a while. Which is fine with me I enjoy company, I rarely get any, which doesn't really help the depression stages I've recovered from but I have been doing really well recently.

"I don't like to leave my house much, so I guess we kinda have the not leaving thing in common. I like being in one place."

"It's so peaceful.." I agreed.

"Yeah especially when no one is home and you can pee with the door open or hide from the mailman." She laughed, "speaking of I'll be right back, gotta pee."

"Haha ok." Wait why didn't she ask whe-

She came back and was hugging the corner of the walk way, "where's your bathroom?" She laughed.

"1st door on the left, like a hideaway under the stairs."

"Thanks!" She said as she disappeared again.


"Brasen I hate to say it but I've been here for 6 hours and we haven't stopped talking yet, I gotta get home and go to work tomorrow."

I really didn't want her to leave, she was so much fun to talk to. I hope I see her again.

"Well we can't have you being late and not showing up. Well I hate to ask but can you come back again..?" I had to ask, I couldn't control myself. Please let her say yes, if there is any luck for me at all put it into this girl please.

"Well of course! I was looking forward to it actually." Sigh of relief, wait I was holding my breath?


*Kheyenne's POV*

Letting the water wash over me as I was thinking about letting Jackson know about Clare. He needed to know, but I didn’t want him to turn his back on her like he did me. I can always make him pay child support. Maybe Clare should meet Brasen first, then Jackson. After all Brasen did more for me than Jackson did. I kind of in a way turned my back on Brasen, he needs people around as much as anyone else, but instead I went to live with my aunt and uncle. I was only seventeen though, I needed adult help.

When I turned sixteen I met Jackson three days later, I got knocked up and turned seventeen before I found out. I ended up moving and dropping out, only to find out that the online classes were much easier. So then I’m twenty-one with a five year old who doesn’t know who her father is, living in an apartment two hours away from my closest relatives. Five and a half years later and I’m still running.

A/N So what do you think Loves? Yes that is what I’m calling y’all. Do you think Brasen and Kheyenne are going to meet again? Should Kheyenne come back so soon?

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