Better Luck Next Time

Start from the beginning

Kira looked even more worried. "Um.. Slight problem. I don't know how to do that."

Scott smiled. "That's okay, you.. Have time to practice." Stiles nodded. "And we have a Plan B."

Aspen frowned. "What's Plan B?"

Stiles sighed. "You're Plan B. When we're in, and say maybe Kira can't cause a brown-out," he stopped himself, hastily saying, "Which I have no doubt that she can't, because I know she can.." He took a breath. "You'll be with us," he continued, motioning to himself, Scott, and Liam, "And when we get to the closed unit gate, you can do that weird.. Magic thing you do, to unlock the doors."

Aspen frowned harder. "Two flaws with Plan B. 1- I have no control over my 'magic thing' whatsoever," she deadpanned, looking among her friends, "and 2-won't we still set off some alarm or something?"

Stiles pressed his lips together. "And that's why we really need that brown-out, so.. Kira," he sent her a smile and a nod, "Don't fail."

Scott sent him a half-hearted glare. "Once Stiles gets Lydia, and we're gone, everyone will just think it was a reboot in the system caused by a brown-out." Stiles nodded, rubbing his chin. "Any questions?"

"How do we get into Eichen House in the first place?"

"What's our worst case scenario?"

"What if I can't do it?"

"What if I set something on fire?"

Stiles exhaled. "Admittedly, a lot could go wrong-"

"Everything could go wrong."

"Guys," Scott said, "If we don't do this, we lose Lydia. She's gonna die in there tonight. A-and she might take a lot of innocent people with her."

Aspen nerves were on edge, gripping onto the table under her fingers were chalk-white. Liam could smell her nervousness, mixed with doubt, insecurities, fear. But also determination.

They all knew Lydia might die in there tonight. But Aspen knew she wasn't going to let that happen.


Aspen was frustrated, sighing loudly as she paced the hall in front of Liam's room, Liam with the door locked inside.

"Liam this isn't working," she said nervously, running a hand through her hair.

"You haven't tried yet."

She groaned at his muffled voice on the other side of the door. "Try it," Liam ordered. Aspen let out a shaky breath, muttering "fine" as she held her hand out over the door knob. She tried to focus her frustration into her hand, like Theo had instructed her. But nothing happened.

"Liam I can't do this. I can't unlock this freaking-" Aspen stopped, hearing soft music coming from Liam's side of the door. She pressed her ear against it.

"Are you playing Candy Crush?"

There was a moment of silence before Liam answered. "Maybe."

Aspen groaned, sliding down the door to sit on the ground with her hand in her hair. "Screw you Liam."

"You can do that later, babe. Right now-"

Aspen rolled her eyes, huffing but still smiling. "I hate you."

When she got no reply, she opened her eyes turning her head over her shoulder. "Liam?" Still nothing. She frowned, panicking slightly, and got on her stomach, leaning down to peek under the door. Aspen suddenly got very worried when her boyfriend's black converse were missing from the spot he had been standing moments before.

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Where stories live. Discover now