Playing the Player (3)

Start from the beginning

Heather sneers, "What the hell are you doing?"

I return my eyes to her overly made up face, "Well I'm just trying to find the sign that says bitches are allowed in the cafeteria."

A collection of gasps and small laughs echo throughout the room. I see Alaina stand from the corner of my, her lunch tray in hand. Of course she's leaving, I'm walking trouble.

I return my focus to heather to find her face twisted in rage as she takes a step forward. I start to stand to get ready for the little cat fight that's about to break out. But just as I begin to rise and Heather steps forward, a small frame moves in front of me. 'Oohs" and laughs erupt as I take in what just happened. Heather stands there with Alaina's food covering a majority of her front, courtesy of Alaina herself.

"You little shit!"

I wince at Heather's birdlike screech, "My mom is so gonna hear about this!"

Alaina snorts and Heather stomps her foot, storming towards the cafeteria exit. Her pack of bitches glare at us and follow after Heather, leaving us to be stared at. I send a mind-your-own-damn-business glare to those who are continuing to ogle Alaina and I.

She returns to her seat, "Well that ruined my lunch."

I lower myself back down to my own seat and look at the girl in front of me.

"You probably shouldn't have done that, you're on Heather's shit list now."

Alaina looks a bit uncomfortable, "She won't do anything bad to me. I'm..kinda sorta..her stepsister."

What the hell? Stepsister? Dear lord I feel sorry for this girl. I must have been looking at her like she's just grown two heads because she drops her gaze to the floor.

"That kinda sorta sucks, I mean out of all the stepsister's in the world, you got stuck with Satan's spawn? Like seriously, that girl has a personality as appealing as a pile of shit."

She looked back up at me with a startled expression. And she stares, just stares at me with a shocked face. Ok this chick is starting to weird me out, maybe if I just inch to the side I can get away without her noticing. She bursts into laughter and I jump because, well, she just scared the crap out of me damn it.

"Ha ha funny," I say nervously,"what exactly are you laughing at?"

She continues to laugh, hmm I wonder how long she can keep that up before she runs out of air. One, two, three, four, five, six. Ok, is it just me or did it just get darker in here.

"I thought you looked familiar, tiny."

Tiny, yet another nickname used to make fun of me. Now it doesn't seem to be as ironic.

I tense at that mocking word and then stand up quickly, "oh my gosh, where is it?"

I turn to look up at Jaxton who has a confused look on his face. I swear they make it so easy.


My face falls in false disappointment," well you said 'I thought you looked familiar, tiny.' I thought you had finally found your sad excuse of a brain. Guess not."

Once again I feel the eyes of the cafeteria on me. Seriously, they keep watching me like this and I'm going to need my own television show. I need to get out of here, I hate their stares.

I stand and grab my lunch and eye Jaxton's newly changed shirt. My eyes flicker between my lunch and his shirt, I can't help but think that the two would look perfect together. Maybe if I "accidentally" trip and-

He steps back and growls, "Don't you even think about it tiny. I'm still pissed about this morning, I wouldn't push it if I were you."

Damn, busted. Actually.... I could still "trip". Hmm yes I'll do that, I'll just take a step and trip on the air an-

My lunch bowl containing my spaghetti is yanked out of my hand and tossed in the trash. Wha- did that dipshit just dump my defenseless bowl of spaghetti into the trash? Did I just growl and whimper at the same time? Suddenly my wrist is grabbed by a hand -that is big enough to belong to an ape might I add- and I'm being pulled towards the exit of the cafeteria.

Huh, now I know how that woman felt when King Kong kidnapped her.

"Let go of my wrist you oaf!"

He doesn't even spare me a glance. Oh, so now he's deaf, how convenient. We are now moving through an empty hallway and I'm starting to get sick of his ape-like tendencies.

"If you don't let me go in five seconds I'm going to kick you in your shin."

Of course the ape man continues to storm down the hallway.


He glances back at me, "two."

"Shut up, tiny."

I scowl, "three, four, five," and acquaint my foot with his shin.

He curses and stumbles letting me go in the process.

"What the hell!"

I suppress a smile, "I warned you, it's not my fault your hearing is impaired."

I begin to walk away, its part of my dramatic exit.

"It must be hard to be a stuck up b*tch all the time."

I stop abruptly and spin back towards him. How dare he!

"What did you just say?"

He smirks, actually smirks, "I said, 'it must be hard to be a stuck up b*tch all the time.' You should loosen up. Also I need to talk to you, but another time."

With that he turns and saunters away. I'm fuming inside as I make my way to my locker, opening it I grab my materials inside. The mirror glued to the inside door of my locker reflects my expression. A plans forms in my mind and a mischievous smile spreads across my face.

So the player wants me to loosen up, well maybe a fun little game will help. Stupid player, I think it's time the roles were switched. I shut my locker and walk down the empty hall. I think about my new game plan. It starts, set, match.

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