Chapter Nine

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||-Alex's POV-||

I picked at the small hole in my jeans, thinking about the last hour. Why didn't I kiss him back? Why did he want to just forget about it? I didn't understand. He kissed me and apologized right after? Did he think it was a mistake?

I didn't. I sure hope that he didn't. I was so overwhelmed, I made a fool of myself. I stared at the clock, looking for any distraction. My phone rang loudly, I picked it up, placing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey man, you coming to the party tonight?" I heard Austin's voice say. Shit, I completely forgot. The British asshole's party. I've hated him since the beginning of high school. Although he always has the biggest parties every year, I'd be a loser if I didn't show up.

"Uh, I don't have a ride," I said.

"It's cool, I can pick you up. I'll be there in five minutes," he replied before hanging up. I hurried up the stairs to make myself more presentable, before Austin showed up.


"Hey, thanks Austin.", I said as I hopped into the passenger side of his truck. He nodded, looking me up and down.

"Looking hot tonight Alex," he said with a smirk. My face blushed a million different shades of red. I smiled to myself. No one ever really payed attention to me. I was just a nerd.

"So is Alan coming?" I asked, trying to kill the awkward silence. His face dropped.

"I don't think so," he slurred out. I didn't go any further with my question, although I wanted to figure out what happened.

"Austin...are you drunk?"

"M-maybe," he giggled.

In no time we arrived at the party, after of course safely getting out of the car and switching seats. People almost looked as if they were flooding out of Oliver's mansion.

"Jesus Christ, did his house get bigger?" I said in amazement.

"Come on," Austin said taking my hand, walking in with me. I'm not gonna lie, I was confused. I thought Austin was with Katie? And what about Alan? I honesty didn't care at the moment so I just went along with his little game.

"After you, mi'lady," he joked opening the door.

I laughed, smiling at the gesture. He was being so sweet. It honestly was a bit weird. But I didn't mind a bit of attention. I walked into a few people on the way inside. I don't understand how such a big place could be filled to the brim with teenagers.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," Austin said letting go of my hand. I sighed, watching him walk towards the mini bar. He was the one looking hot tonight, his tight jeans hugged his ass perfectly. He had a muscle tee on, showing off his toned biceps.

I looked like I usually did. A t-shirt, with black jeans and a pair of grey vans. Gosh, I was so hideous. I looked around not seeing many familiar faces. I spotted Oliver, with a red cup in his hand, pushing himself onto some half naked girl.

I looked away once our eyes locked even though I could feel him staring at me. He started to walk towards me. I started panicking.

""Hey Alex," he said in his thick (A/N lmao thicc ;) British accent.

"Uh- Hi?" I replied.

He placed his hand on my cheek, I could smell the alcohol from his breath. He smirked.

"Love, you're just as perfect as I remember," he said, sweetly.

I didn't want to remember. He was so confusing. In the beginning of high school we used to be 'friends'. He made me so happy. But like usual I got attached and he broke my heart, even though we weren't in a relationship.

I just couldn't handle it right now. The mixed feelings about Jack weren't helping.

"Yeah, this isn't happening again, Oli," I said sassily, pushing him away from me. He groaned in annoyance.

"Baby, you know I miss you," he said. I didn't believe him for a minute. "I want to try to fix this."

"Oh, fix this? That explains why you were just dry-humping some girl you don't even know. That explains why you haven't talked to me for two fucking years. That explains why you told me you loved me, and then left and didn't answer my calls for six months. So don't fucking tell me your trying to fix this because you fucking aren't," I rambled.

He looked at me with such sadness. I honestly hoped I hurt his feelings. Now he knew how I felt for two years. I was so forgotten and I wasn't going to fix things now. I felt better letting it all out, but all I wanted to do was cry. So I did. I let the tears flow, not caring that he was still there.

I quickly ran out of the house, not caring that it was freezing outside. I wasn't going to stay in there and cry. I opened Austin's car door, locking myself inside. I curled up in a ball, using my baggy shirt to my advantage for warmth.

I couldn't believe that I just made a fool out of myself in front of Oliver. So many horrible thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't believe what I was thinking. All I could hope for was sleep.

I cried, and cried, until I drifted off into a calming state of slumber, not caring that it was cold. I could only hope that I'd never wake up. I didn't want to see another useless day.




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