Wears: As I ask this next question, the only thing I get in response is a hand motion towards his shirt. At this I smile, some wouldn't even have the curtsy to give me that. I see there is only three main things that this individual wears. When looking to the door, I see that next to it is a pair of black, handmade boots fixed with cloth. They look new though, being that he doesn't get up I'm not surprised. Their height seems to be made up to the ankles. Looking back to him, I see his shirt.

  It looks freshly washed and appears to be a much darker brown if compared to the male's hair. It seems baggy and kind of long. Judging by the hair ties on the bedside table I'm betting that he ties it up once in awhile. When removing the blanket further down I see a pair of shortish grey boxers on him. They seem to be  tighter fitting than when he first got them. I was told by maids that they weren't able to get him motivated for clothes shopping. So the boxers are from a long time ago. Looking around, I spy some black sweatpants folded up on the barren dresser by the bathroom.)

Personality: "It's tired...." Snug whispers while again rolling on his back and slightly opening his eyes. I was nearly shocked at the immediate eye contact. One wouldn't expect that from someone so weak and vulnerable almost 24/7. 

(Snug shows to have a very gentle aura most of the time. It is expected from someone who seems constantly delicate and tired. He is kind whenever he can be and is seldom aggressive towards anyone. Snug is someone who tells the truth and sticks to loyalty when it is needed the most. Being tired all the time seems to be the easy outline for ignorance and stupidity, but that is a false accusation. He often knows more and has a deeper philosophy than those that think they're awake all the time. This labels him wise, he lives up to it at most times.

 Snug is often a comfort giver and is always a warm body pillow to confide in. This quality is one that he enjoys letting out most. It gives him a piece of mind, to be able to bring someone with a conflict to peaceful rest. It also helps that he is naturally soft spoken and loving. Even though all of these traits are good to have, Snug suffers from severe depression. This sadness weighs heavily against his being, dragging him down into his prison of sleep. It doesn't help that he can hide this illness so well with happiness, whether or not it's false. 

 One would even think that taking advantage of him would be a slice of cake, but they would be very wrong. Even with all of the tame inside of Snug, it can easily turn into quite the opposite. There is power in his love to protect, and it's strong.)

Sexuality: I watch him gaze to the ceiling with only half opened eyes, "I've always wanted someone to dream with

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Sexuality: I watch him gaze to the ceiling with only half opened eyes, "I've always wanted someone to dream with. It doesn't matter who....just someone to dream with that loves me in that way. Not the child's sense of content when they dream with me. The content of someone who can't wait to dream with me, who gives me the wish to do the same. For this life and whatever comes next...." I didn't expect him to say that much, but never would I reject that. 

Random Facts:

"I am an orphan. They found me in the woods when I was around six and took me here....I slept since day one. But it was a sleep that scared me. I never wanted to sleep then, for everything before haunted and hunted me. No matter where I went, they were there to kill me," he whispers while closing his eyes, "the caretakers are more like parents to the kids here than just those that would be hired to other jobs just because they need the money. They understood my sleeping, but didn't know how to help me dream well.

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