"You owe me a lot more than just one." I grumbled.

Nick laughed. "We'll see about that Tessa," He said jokingly. "Who knows? You may come to enjoy my presence. Most women do."

"I'm not like most women." I snapped.

"No, you most certainly are not." Nick said, and a strange expression crossed his handsome features. It was gone within a few seconds, and he returned to his usual charming self. "But that's what I like about you, Tessa Martin, you're different. So headstrong and independent. Yet, I feel sorry for the guy who marries you someday, he's in for a wild ride."

"What kind of a compliment is that?" I asked him, feeling my face flush once again.

"Who said that it was a compliment?" Nick countered, a smile playing on his perfect lips. He eyed the clock. "Well, it's getting late, shall we go plan our wedding, my bride?"

I froze. Did he just say wedding?

"W-Wedding?" I asked him.

Nick gave me a funny look. "Well, you can't fake a marriage without a fake wedding, can you?" He said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Follow me, Tessa, I'll show you the way to my apartment."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean, your apartment? I can't live with you!"

Nick smirked. "Do you have anywhere else to go?" He asked me, though I'm sure he already knew the answer.

Sadly, I did too.

Justin had promised to put me up in a hotel until I could find an apartment here. It was becoming increasingly obvious that he didn't intend to follow through on that promise either. I looked back at him and he waved goodbye, an evil smile on his face.

"Fine, lead the way." I told him, retrieving my luggage from its place by the door. Nick relieved me of the weight, ignoring my protests otherwise, and opened the door. Justin was there to see us out.

"You jerk," I said. "I can't believe that you're making me do this."

Justin smiled devilishly. "Love you too cuz." He replied and slammed the door in my face.

I was fuming, but I followed Nick down the driveway. It was best to put some distance between Justin and I for a little while, otherwise, I'm sure he'd end up with a black eye.

"My apartment's not far from here," Nick said. "I hope you don't mind walking."

"Would it really matter if I did? You seem very fond of taking other people's choices away from them, Nick." I snapped, but I couldn't deny the fact that I liked the way his name felt coming out of my mouth.

He chuckled, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "You're right, probably not."

We fell into silence, walking down the street, side by side. Nick, carrying my luggage and me empty handed. We passed the last house in Justin's rich neighborhood, and entered a shopping complex, amidst several skyscrapers. It was dark out, so there were hardly any people here anymore and most of the shops were closed for the day, it was just Nick and I. I couldn't stand the silence anymore, there were so many things that I was aching to ask him.

"Hey Nick," I said. He turned to look at me, giving me his full attention. "I have a few questions that I want to ask you."

"I'm an open book," He said. "Ask me anything you want."

"You don't seem to be someone who has trouble finding a girl," I said.

"You're absolutely correct." Nick cut in, arrogantly. I punched his shoulder.

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