But Why?

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Our little adventure made me tired of these fields so we continued west until we reached a rather thick and huge forest. "You haven't been this way before Jaime?" I asked. "Nope I live in a mystical land that only the fiercest of human could travel, its perils know no bounds!" Jaime said. "Okay I get it I get it". We walked into the forest and soon came at a crossroad with a frog at a tree stump. "Which way do we go?" Jaime asked. "Not sure what do you want to do?" I asked. "Hmm let's go left," he said. "Alright," I said walking right. "Your so mean...." Jaime said following. Before we could continue our walk the frog jumped in front of us and spoke: "You mustn't travel this way for there is a troll blocking the way!" He said. "But why?" I asked. He stood there baffled for a second "um I'm not quite sure he just is" the toad said. "Then just move him," I said. "It's not that simple he is a strong troll that refuses to leave!" "But why?" I asked again. "Because he wants to! I don't know why don't you ask him!!!" The toad said. "Naw we'll just take the other path then," I said. "H-hey hold on that way is the way through the hells forest many people go in but very few come out," the toad said. 'But w-" "Don't say it! it just is okay!!!" The toad yelled. "Fine whatever," I said. "So what path then?" Jaime asked. "Hey, frog where do they take us?" I asked. "I'm a toad and the left way with the troll will take you to the city of Ragor AKA the city of greed," the toad said. "Oh wow, Ragor is this way!" Jaime said. "You know of it?" I asked. "Yeah, it's said to be a gambling city where you can be poor one night and rich the next!". "Hmm and the other?" I asked. "That's the city of Combal". "Isn't that the city of magic?" Jaime said. "Magic you say?" I said intrigued. "Well yeah, its full of wizards," Jaime said. "Okay we're going to Combal," I said. "Huh didn't you hear me no one survives that forest. "What's wrong with it it's just a bunch of trees," I said. "It's what's in the forest idiot!" The toad yelled. "Whatever toad don't you know how all mighty and powerful I am, I've taken out 50 villagers without taking a scratch!" Jaime gloated. "That is very wrong for many reasons," I said to myself. "Fine if you want to throw away your lives fine but I want no part of it!" The toad said going back to his stump. "Alright, then let's see how dangerous this forest really is," Jaime said walking ahead. "He sure is confident huh?" Lily said. "This isn't going to end well," I thought. He walked into the forest and looked around "all clear, I don't see any-!" A plant popped out of the ground and ate him whole. "Damn that idiot!" I said as I pulled out my sword and cut him out. "J-just as planned," he said laughing. "Yeah just as planned....." Both Lily and I said. We continued our walk through the woods until we came across a whole family of killer bears. "You know what we have to do right?" I said pulling out my sword. "Yeah, I'm ready...." Jaime said pulling out his sword. We started down the bears down with our eyes locked in a battle for dominance. "1....2.....3!!!" I yelled. We quickly jumped on Black Bolt and ran off. "Hurry Black Bolt there gaining on us!!!" Jaime yelled. Black bolt let out a sigh as he rocketed us out of the forest and straight to the gates of Combal. "Well that was fast," I said. "Of course it was fast when you have the world's mightiest swordsman by your side everything's a breeze!" Jaime said. "Whatever let's go," I said as we reached the guards at the door. "Speak your motives for coming to Combal!" They shouted. "We're here for magic training!" I said. They looked at me for a second and I could feel them judging me. "Before they could say anymore Black Bolt shot them a look that made them open the door. "G-good luck have a good day!" They said, letting us through. "Man I must be super intimidating," Jaime said. "Yeah that's it," I said giving Black Bolt a thumbs up. Once inside we were greeted by a young wizard who was flying by on a broom. "They actually do that?!?!" Jaime said. "Guess so lets continue" I said. We walked down a road of very strange things. From merchants selling animal parts to young children stealing candy with levitation this was indeed a city of magic. "So what are we going to do I have no interest in magic" Jaime said. "Yeah um for now just go and do what you want lets meet back here in 3 weeks time okay?" I said. "Very well until then friend good luck" we said parting ways. "Finally your alone that guy never leaves your side!" Lily complained. "I wouldn't really call this alone" I muttered. "Huh? What was that!?" Lily said. "Nothing nothing.....". I found my way to a magic academy where I was going to register until I found a man on the road begging for food. "Please.... Help me" he said weakly. "But why?" I said annoyed. "Please sir....." He pleaded. I let out a sigh "okay okay lets grab a burger or something" I said helping him up. I fingered in my pocket and felt I had enough to give him a burger or two. That's where I made my mistake. "I'll take 50 triple burgers with fries and a extra large drink" The man said happily. "And you sir?" She asked me. "U-um a kids meal please...." I said shocked. He quickly
ate all the food as I eat my petite burger and messed with the toy that came with my meal. "Thank you so much traveler now I must head off" he said running out the door. "Huh?!?! That's just great he probably isn't even poor!" I said as the lady came buy and ask for pay. "562 capsules sir" she said as I payed with nearly all my money. "Goodbye money...." I said walking out of the restaurant. As soon as I got out I was pulled into an ally where the old man was. "Huh? Now what do you want!?" I yelled. "I'm here to repay you now follow me" he said taking me through the ally to some circle on the ground. "Um listen I have to do something so can I just go" I asked. "Sorry I've already chosen you" he said. "Chosen me?" I said. "INCENDIUM!!!!" he yelled as the circle lit up and we were teleported to a giant castle in the center of the town. "What did you just do?!" I said. "Well I used magic, I thought that was obvious" he said. "That's not what I mean't! Why did you bring me here and how does an old man like you know magic?!?!" I shouted. "Silence boy don't you know who your talking to!" A man said coming out from the castle. He was wearing blue armor and held a spear, he had the symbol of combal that I saw on the gates earlier. "Um an old geezer that ripped me off?" I said. The man got angry and was going to say something but the old man stopped him. "Relax laroy he's here on my behalf". "It's Leroy sir and if he's here on your behalf I suppose it's fine" the man said opening up the gate to let us through. "Your not an ordinary old man are you?" I asked. "You don't say? No I'm actually a old man looking for a apprentice to take over". "Take over?" I said. "Perhaps I better show you" the man said as he took me to a room with a bunch of obstacles that looked like it was for a dog show or something. "What's all this?" I asked. "Let me show me" the man said as he took a deep breath and his tattered clothes became very fancy, he wore a vibrate red get up with the pointiest hat I've ever seen. "purpura flamma!" He yelled as a fire bursted in his hand and he threw it through one of the obstacles. "Ustura!!" He said as the fire stopped and flashed out burning everything around it. "Woah!" I said speechless. "So what do you say want to learn some magic?" He said. Back in the town Jaime was having trouble finding things to do. "I'm so bored!" He complained to Black Bolt. "Hey you!" A voice said. Jaime turned "you called?". "Please I need help!" A man said. "No need to fear the mighty chicken slayer is here! Any task no matter how treacherous or dangerous I shall complete it and save you and anyone else who needs my help!" Jaime said. "Great your just the kind of man I need!" He said. "Now what's the job?" He asked. Jaime found himself in a kitchen of a small restaurant cleaning dishes and moping. "Yes just like that! I knew you were the man I needed" the man said going back up front. "Glad to be of help....." Jaime said disappointed. With these two having there own journey one can only wonder what will happen next.

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