How Much?!?!?!

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I began my three weeks with this old man that I later found out was a grand master of some sort and took me in for showing kindness back in the ally. "Okay first I would like to know your fairies name" he said looking to my left. "Huh? You can see me but I was hidden" Lily said. "Can't hide from me, now what's your name?" He asked. "I'm Lily, Lily Devee". "What a pretty name do you know anything about magic?" He asked. "Um not really I remember reading a bit awhile back the best magic to learn is your natural magic which is shown from the three railways?" She said in a "am I right?" kind of way. "You mean the three fork roads" the man said. "Ah yes yes that's what I meant" she said trying to play it off. "What are these roads?" I asked. "Each person has the potential to be a wizard and there are three forms that there magic can start as and that's determined by what fits you best, for example...... Zzzzz....". "He just......fell asleep mid-speech...." Me and Lily said together. "Um sir?" I said. "I didn't do it!!!" He said. "I mean *cough cough* for example smart folk have a knack for alchemy, while more heavy duty people focus on more advanced and stressful magic. And then.....there's people like you....." He said looking disappointed. "Why does everyone give me that face!!!" I yelled. "Anyway people like you are rather average and have no skill at magic but still want to learn. So the gods give you special magic so people like you can learn and we call that elemental magic. This magic can be learned by all but the gods have given pity to y'all and allowed you a gift to learn elemental magic faster which consist of water,grass,fire and more advanced people (not you) can fuse elements to make whole new elements". "That's great how do we start!" I said. He gave me an evil look "first things first......the payment". "HOW MUCH!?!?!?!?" I yelled as my jaw dropped. "What its only 2,000 capsules" he said. "Easy for you to say I barely have enough money to survive! (Not to mention my worthless partner....). Just then something popped into my head "You wasted all my money and that was over 1000 capsules" I said. "What!? Are you sure?" He said. "100%" I said knowing I only had paid half of that. "How would the people feel knowing you, a grand master, coned a young traveler out of all his money" I said. "Damn brat.....fine free but only if you can prove you have potential!" He said. "Does this answer your question!" I yelled as I thought of a ice beam shooting from my sword. With a mighty scream, a small snowflake popped out before melting in the heat. "No....not at all" he said. "Shut up that was a dud!" I said trying again. "Water, water, lets try water!" I said in my mind as a small poof of mist sprayed my face. "Impressive" the man said mockingly. "Why won't you work!" I yelled as a fire blast appeared and blew up under my feet and burned me all over. "Hot!!!" I yelled running around. The man looked surprised by this and put me out immediately "perhaps your not a complete waste of a soul". "Thanks, I guess" I said ringing my clothes out. "He may not have control over the elements but he has variety over them, there could indeed be potential in this one" The man said to himself. 3 weeks flew by and I finally finished my training. "You've done well" the man said. "Thank you Master Dedorm" I said bowing. "Now go and follow your dreams!" He said smiling. "Yes sir!" I said as he teleported me away. As I arrived at where I said I'd meet Jaime I saw him look my way. Tears began to form as he ran at me full speed. "Hey Jaime how you be-!". "I missed you so much Kaldos it was so hard being alone without you!" He said squeezing me. " how I die..." I said suffocating. Jaime finally let go as I gasp for air on the ground as he stood wiping the tears away. "Was it really that bad?" I asked. "Not at all actually, I successfully transformed a "hole in the wall", "greasy spoon" restaurant into a worldwide establishment. What was it called? Burger Queen or Beef-fil-a, I can't remember". "Oh yeah I'm also now know as the god of servers and there's some cults about me or something like that and now I'm rich but I'm sure you had a much more adventurous story to tell". "Y-yeah..." I said thinking back to all the laps I ran and pointless choirs like cutting masters toenails and helping him shave his beard I had to do. "Where is Black bolt?" I asked changing the subject. He's been out in the fields all this time, I told him to meet us here hit he must he running la-!" Black bolt came out of no where bucking Jaime into the wall. "Ah there you are Black bolt" Jaime laughed through the wall. As I helped Jaime out of the wall I told them what we should do now". Just then Master Dedorm appeared "I forgot about fee of much you got?" He asked Jaime. "On me? About 5'000 capsules". "It's 4,500 capsules". "How much?!?!" I yelled. "You said it was free because I showed generosity!" I yelled. "That's before I knew you were loaded, now farewell I'll leave you with this!" He said vanishing and leaving a piece of paper". "Go to the train station at Ragor and head to Master view capital" It read. "Ragor? That's the city of greed, we can make our money back!" Jaime said. "Then it's settled! to Ragor!!!" I said. "You must have learned so much magic with how much that cost right?" Jaime said. "Yeah.... totally.....".

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