I'm Not a Witch!!!

Start from the beginning

"We really shouldn't mess with these people like this..."

"It's fine if they want a party let them have a party!"

"You just want to drink...." I clarified.

The room was rather charming with two nice beds, a few drawers and a place to shower and even a window view. I wouldn't call it a hotel suite but it was much more than my stuffy old hut. 

"I call dibs on the bath!" Jaime screamed, stripping and jumping in. 

"Well, I guess that's fine...." I sighed, unpacking the rest of my stuff. 

"Hey Kaldos....over here" a voice called. I turned to see the fairy calling me. 

"oh yeah, you're still following me." 

"How rude!!!"

"Hey, that reminds me, I never got your name."

"Oh your right, my name is Lily Devee."


"It's royalty for your information."

"Oh, right you haven't met Jaime, Hey Jai-!" She hit me in the mouth. 

"Shhh shhh don't tell him I'm here!!!" She whispered. 

"Huh? Why?"

"I'm here to fulfill Your wishes and no one else's"

"Sheesh, alright then."

"So did you just want to pop in? You hungry or something?"

"No this is very serious! You have to get out of this town now!" She yelled with her tiny little lungs.

"Huh? Why?"

"These people are crazy! If you don't leave now you'll be killed!!!" 

"What? You high or something?" 

"No, I'm seri-" 

"Hey Kaldos who are you talking to?" 

By the time Jaime got out Kaldos was alone in the room again, "oh no one, just thinking out loud."

"You're up then, hurry and take a shower! We have a feast to get to!"

After taking a quick shower I got dressed and Jaime and I walked out to the town hall where all the villagers were setting up a huge table with tons of different foods. 

"Welcome visitors, dig in!" The man announced.

"With pleasure!" Jaime teared up as he dove into the food and started stuffing his face. 

I really was starting to let what Lily said get to me everything was starting to look suspicious

"But I can't let all this food go to waste..."

 "What's wrong? Do you not like our cooking?" The man asked. 

"N-no its just that..."

"Come now, Ms. Miller worked really hard on this turkey, her gravy is to die for," he said passing me a plate of food that looked delicious. 

"Really didn't need to hear that metaphor right now!" I thought to myself as the turkeys snuck its way onto my plate. It was calling to me, just like at Gap Valley.

I looked to Jaime who seemed to have already finished a turkey all on his own. I finally caved in and took a bite. After that I began digging in and eating just as much as Jaime. 

"Man I don't think I can eat anymore," Jaime groaned. 

"Make sure to leave room for dessert," the man nudged Jaime, passing us both a small square looking cake with a strawberry on top, "Enjoy...."

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