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Author's note* 

Hi! This is my first story ever so please give feedback!


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters. However, any additional characters like Sora and Ren are mine.


Name: Sora Yuki

Age: 16

Note: Story is set before the plot of Naruto. Kakashi is about 16-17 as well.

Background Info: She was from the same clan as Haku except her family had grouped together with others to form an actual clan instead of hiding their Kekkei Genkei and marrying like Haku's did.


It was winter, my favourite time of the year. Snowflakes were gently falling, embedding themselves in my field of vision. They stubbornly clung to my eyelashes no matter how hard I tried to blink them away. As usual, I was training with my brother Ren. If I wanted to survive, I had to train. 

"Ren, can we take a break and make snow angels?" I asked after a half an hour of training.

He sighed, then smiled." Okay, fine. But first, let's go back and see if Mom's finished making hot chocolate."

I grinned widely and jumped up in excitement. "After can we take Hikari outside and make snow angels? Please?

His smile was filled with patience. Sometimes he looks so much older than fifteen.

"Come on Sora. Let'-" He was cut off by a scream that sent shivers down my small spine.

Something about Ren snapped and within moments I was carefully thrown across his shoulder, flying from tree to tree with the village already in sight. He stopped so abruptly that I nearly lost my grip on his shirt. I was about to ask him why he had stopped when I noticed the tree behind us. It was covered with blood.

Ren slowly set me down on the tree branch and whispered hoarsely in my ear, fear seeping from his voice. "Stay here and hide in the leaves Sora.'' And then he was gone.

Of course I didn’t stay. I was only an eight year old who was frightened and missing her parents. Sometimes my brother did the stupidest things even though he was supposed to be a genius.

Cautiously, I slipped down from the branch, my knees nearly giving out as my feet hit the ground. The buildings around me were either in ruin or lit on fire, but there wasn’t a single person around. Ren had took off in the direction of the town square, so I assumed that was where the surviving people were. ‘Surviving.’ I thought with a shiver. I wasn’t as naïve as my parents would like to think. I knew that we were being attacked and why. I also knew that the villagers didn’t stand a chance.

I contemplated whether or not I should stay put. Venturing closer to danger was suicidal at best and I was old enough to understand that, at least, but the horrible, eerie silence was scaring me. The village was never quiet, ever. Silence, as if it had material form, was enveloping me, causing me to hyperventilate, and making everything feel painfully tense. I needed to know what was happening. I needed to know if my parents and Hikari were okay and if Ren was injured or not. I would die if I stood here waiting. The silence would kill me.

Taking a deep, quivering breath, I set off in the direction that my brother had gone. There weren’t that many people living in our village, but the buildings were spread far apart. It took a while for me to near the center of town and when I did, I looked up and gasped.

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