Chapter 8

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(this kind of really sucks i'm sorry.
also, you should follow my tumblr (interrupted-by-fireworks) if you want to know when i'm going to upload and if there are complications and stuff


They’re at Dan’s house, yet again, going through some Maths stuff and Dan hardly listens to a word Phil says, just runs his eyes over his face, taking in all the features from close up. And Dan has to admit that when looked beyond Phil’s shyness and awkwardness, he’s a really fucking attractive guy. Especially his eyes. They are sort of really blue, with some specks of green around his pupil, and Dan has always had a thing for pretty eyes.

Thinking about it, it sort of confuses Dan that the girls are not swooning over Phil. He’s attractive enough, after all.

“Have you ever kissed anyone Phil?” He asks out of the blue and maybe it’s a bit forward to ask something like that but Dan keeps his voice as natural as possible and hopes that Phil won’t get freaked out. 
However, Dan’s pretty sure Phil is used to his random topic changes by now and anyway, the boy is pretty relaxed around Dan most of the time now anyway. There’s no awkward stuttering anymore (though he still blushes like mad from time to time.)

When the question leaves Dan’s mouth though, Phil makes a choking noise and stares at him with wide eyes. It's kind of hard for Dan to hold his chuckles back.

“I- uh. I don’t- what?” Phil stammers and quickly drops his eyes once they lock with Dan’s. He’s clearly embarrassed.

“Have you ever kissed anyone?” Dan repeats.

Phil’s face turns red and he hesitantly shakes his head, nervously gnawing at his bottom lip.

“How comes?” Dan asks curiously, though he can probably guess the reason anyway.

“I’ve never, like, liked anyone.” Phil mumbles, fumbling with the sleeves of his jumper.

Dan laughs. “You don’t have to like someone to kiss them. I had my first kiss when I was twelve. At some party while playing Truth or Dare and I’ve never seen the girl again. No big deal.”

“Why would I want to kiss someone if I don’t like them though?” Phil asks. And okay, that’s not exactly what Dan has expected but alright. Phil’s thoughts on getting intimate and Dan’s probably couldn’t be any more different.

Dan shrugs. “For fun?”

“Right…” Phil mumbles and then even more quietly adds. “I’d probably suck at kissing anyway. So maybe it’s better if I just don’t do it.”

Phil sounds so insecure and doubtful and Dan kind of wants to give him a hug and fuck- where did that thought come from?

“You probably wouldn’t.” Dan replies, keeping his voice casual. “Kissing comes natural. It's kind of impossible to suck at it. Besides, if you practice a bit, you’ll be just fine.”

Phil scoffs. “Yeah, right. Because I could go up to someone and ask if they’d give me kissing lessons.”

He rolls his eyes and Dan kind of really likes how Phil is all confident from time to time and doesn’t mind being sarcastic or cheeky with Dan. It's like he’s left his nervous shell somewhere and is just himself and Dan enjoys this side of Phil (maybe a little bit too much.)

“I’d give you kissing lessons.” Dan says nonchalantly and he really doesn’t know where that came from but it’s not like he’d mind kissing Phil. Besides, it’ll probably help with his bet.

Phil seems to mind though because he abruptly stops moving his hands and stares at Dan in shock. “I- what?”

Dan smirks at Phil, shuffling a tiny bit closer to the boy. “I said, I’d give you kissing lessons. Only if you want of course.”

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