"Aida , Roku stay out here no matter what, if she is in a booby trapped room it is safer for you to be out here for back up."

They both nodded their heads as I walked up to the door of the house by myself. It seemed very familiar but I couldn't remember what or how, I swear I have seen the emblem of a phoenix on a door but I just wasn't coming into my mind. I knocked on the door, in an instant some one opened the door for me. They narrowed their eyes at me and motioned me in probably thinking I was one of the new hunters in town. I gladly walked in as they closed and locked the door behind me. Two guys grabbed my shoulders as I gave them a warning low growl that I was completely unhappy with this. I looked up in front of me just to see Emee in a chair smiling at me with an evil grin on her face. I glared harshly as the two guys sat me down pointing a gun at my head. I growled loudly as I saw the guy start to shake nervously as fear radiated off of him. Emee crossed her legs in a civil manner as I growled out

"What the fuck are you doing Emee?"

"I have a proposition for you Zya."

I narrowed my eyes at her as I smirked as I laughed to myself making her frown at me with a weak glare. Emee then said

"Make me your one and only mate, Zya."

I almost gagged myself as anger rose up in my body. I grinned evilly as I started to chuckle lowly, just listen to this weak pathetic human asking me to make them their mate. Ha! That's fucking funny and to top it off by the looks of it she looks like she really thought she was better then my mate I have right now. How dare she say something like that to me!? I then yelled

"NO WAY IN HELL WILL YOU BE MY MATE! PLAGUE IS MY ONLY MATE I WANT AND NEED! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME EMEE?! Anyways, you are in no position to request something like that to me, I am your alpha, I own you and every single Hunter in this place, you do not scare me."

Emee's smile fades quickly obviously not liking what I had said to her 'proposition'. Emee narrows her eyes at me then hissed out hatefully. She sat up perfectly straight as she leaned back into her chair.

"Fine we will do it the hard way... We have Plague locked up here in one of our newly made and special rooms. If you do not accept my offer we will test out our newest creation. See we had found out that we could put silver in the air and kill off a werewolf slowly and painfully, meaning that they can feel every piece of silver entering their bodies and airways. Our new rooms have vents that we could easily spray into Plague's room and kill her." 

Emee stared at me while I glared down at her. How could she think she could put me in this position? Emee continued

"If you do agree to be mine and only mine then we will let Plague go free. But... She may not come around or I will kill her in front of you. Now do you understand Zya... You have to get rid of her fucking mark first then agree to be my mate."

My breath was caught up in my chest, how could she say something like that? My heart was tearing into pieces but I had to save my love and the only way was to agree to Emee's wishes that made me fucking sick to the core. I needed to first get Plague out of here safely and make sure she wouldn't came back till I had killed Emee. I looked down at me feet running both hands in my long black hair trying to muster up the courage to do what I had to do... I already know that I will say the worst words I would ever say in all my life. I looked around the room trying to see if their was any other possible way for this to happen and my chances of that was none. I looked down at my hands in defeat as I took one big shaky breath and I softly say

"Fine... You win Emee... Just promise that she will be let free."

Emee jumped with joy out of her seat as she said

My Master Also My MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora