Epilogue: Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day, whether you're taken or single or in love with someone fictional. This is my little valentine to yu guys, my loyal supporters throughout everything. Love you, and hope you have a wonderful day!

"Yes!" I yell, running into the room that Nico and I share. "We got custody!"

Nico jumps up from his spot on the bed - where, in the dark, he'd been on his laptop. The rabbit hole of Tumblr, most likely. 

"Yes! Did you tell them yet?" I feel as light as air when I see my husband's face brighten at the news.

"No, I only just got the message. Should we go tell them together?"

Nico leaps up. "Yes!"

We anxiously run downstairs to where the kids are playing. Our house has been added onto, ever since we all moved in together more permanently.

"Hey guys! Guess what?" I guess the excitement in my voice gives something away, because Jess, Robby, and Anna leap up, their two younger siblings happy to keep on playing on the floor.

"What is it Mr. Solace?" Jess says, trying to look composed and patient. Robby, on the other hand...

"Tell us already! The suspense is KILLING me!" he yells particularly dramatically.

"We got custody!" Nico says, the hugest grin on his face. This time, even Jess can't hold in her happiness. For a couple minutes, there's nothing but screaming joyfully, so much so that Eliza starts crying from the uproar.

After things have calmed down a bit, I smile broadly at Jess in particular. "Never again," I say, mostly to the brave young girl who has basically raised her four siblings this far, "will you have to go back to Emily. That awful, drunken woman doesn't deserve to call herself your mother. You can stay with us now, and we'll take care of all of you." My smile fades slightly. "I only wish I could have helped Cathie too." Tears rise to Jess' eyes, and her thankful smile grows sadder, but no less broad. Then she suddenly runs forward and hugs me tight, and I feel the warm tears roll down her cheeks a she buries her face in my shoulder. 

"Thank you," she whispers, and I hear the pressure of sobs in her voice. "You've saved us from her, and because of you Sammy and Eliza won't have to grow up under her violence. Anna won't really remember it, except the emotions. And Robby and I can learn to forget it." The pressure in her voice increases. "And Cathie," she chokes back a sob, "wasn't your fault. You've saved us, and that's what matters. But Cathie won't be forgotten, and because of you it won't happen again."

I swallow tears of my own. "I only wish I could have stopped Emily before-"

Jess looks me in the eyes, a tough look on her face and in her eyes, especially. "My mother was a drunk. Her killing my baby sister was not your fault. Her fits of rage were all too common, and it only opened the eyes of the authorities. At least," Jess gulps for air, fighting the tears, "Cathie didn't have to suffer long before... the end."

I hug her again, recognizing her personal pain all too well.


I watch Will talk quietly and emotionally with Jess, the now-4th-grader that is braver than most teens, at least. She and Suzie get along so well, and although Suzie's a little older - my baby started middle school this year! - they have similar personalities, and are each other's best friends.

Not wanting to intrude on their moment with watching eyes, I turn away and look at the others. Robby and Angel are jumping around, with Anna giggling and copying them. As I look on, Angel turns and starts tickling Anna, and Robby quickly joins in. Anna's practically screaming with joy, and the twins, startled, look at her with concern. Ah, the twins. Eliza and Sammy. They're adorable little angel faces, but they're also really intelligent for their age. They're turning 4 in about 2 months, and its so weird how fast they change.

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