twenty one.

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I never realized how good it actually felt to feel something for someone.
Of course I have felt certain things for certain people, but I don't think I've ever felt this.

I've never realized why my past relationships always made me want to pull out my hairs until the day I fell in love with Harry.
With Harry, there are so many emotions varying from wonder, and love, and pain.

So much pain.

Don't get me wrong, I love loving Harry; it's just he's so, different. So unusual. Unique. Such an oddball, that boy is.

Pain always seemed to be written on his face.

I always wonder what makes Harry look so gloomy all the time. Why he draws such horrendous things sometimes. Why most of his clothing is torn. Why he always wears those flower crowns. Why he let's his hair grow so long. Why he cries.

Those sad green eyes of his, I always question what's behind them.

When he cries, why does he cry?

oddball, Styles. ≫ narryWhere stories live. Discover now