Chapter 10 Natsu Is Hanging Out With Lisanna?!

Beginne am Anfang

Then a girl with white short hair ran up to Natsu and yelled. " Oh My Mavis! I thought I was the only one who was gonna be late! " Is that-?! Don't tell me-?! Lisanna?!

" Lisanna?! " Natsu asked. Then I realized that they were both holding hands. Are they dating or something?

" Walk me to class? " Lisanna asked Natsu, smiling.

" Yeah, sure. " Then I looked at his face, it was kind-of red. Is he blushing?! 

Then they both walked away. What is going on?! Then Lisanna looked at me and she had an evil grin on her face. What did I do to her? Then I saw Levy running up to me. 

" Oh Thank God! Your here! C'mon! Were gonna be late for class! " Levy yelled, as she took my hand and we both started running. 

" Wait! " I yelled, but Levy kept on running.

" Levy! Please stop! Your running too fast! " I yelled. Then It wasn't long after we passed by Natsu and Lisanna. And they both looked shocked. I wonder why. 

Natsu's P.O.V

" Wait! Lucy! " I was about to yell that, but...I just realized that I just said that in my head. 

Then I stopped walking and I realized that Lisanna was holding my hand. So then I let it go and pushed her away from me. " Wait, what do you think your doing, Mr.Dragneel?! Aren't ya gonna walk me to class?! " Lisanna asked, trying to act all cute and stuff. Like I'm gonna fall for that. 

" You got some nerve calling me Mr.Dragneel. Just leave me alone Lisanna. It was all your fault that this happened to me and Lucy. " I said, walking away from her.

Lisanna's P.O.V

" Natsu... " I began to say, as he walked away from me. The only reason why I told him that, is because I like him. And I don't like it how some of my friend's in my class, bragging about, how cute Natsu and Lucy are.

So, if I got a way to separate them, my friends will start shipping me with him.

Maybe, that was a bad idea.

And yes I know...

It's all my fault...

That this happened to Natsu and Lucy...

It's all my fault...

It's all my fault

~Chapter 11 - Nali? What's Nali? - Preview~

Later in class, I can over hear my classmates, saying how cute Natsu and Lisanna are. 

Then Levy whispered to me, " It seems like Natsu and Lisanna make a good couple. Wouldn't you agree? "

I don't know what to say. I have mixed emotions right now, I'm sad, mad, but yet happy. I feel like crying, but I don't want to.

I don't know what to say. I have mixed emotions right now, I'm sad, mad, but yet happy. I feel like crying, but I don't want to.

Don't cry! 

Don't cry!

Don't cry! 

Don't cry!

Don't cry!

But then...I ended up crying...

Author's Note

Hey minna! Sophie here! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! <3 =) 

But, probably by the time you read this, it's not even close to Valentine's Day or it already passed. =)


Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! <3 =)

And here are the people I wanna thank! =)









Thanks guys! Your the best! I need to watch some anime that I am dying to watch! Again, Happy Valentine's Day! See ya in the next chapter! Ja Ne! =)

                              - Sophie (A.K.A Sophie_Otaku123)

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