It Was Just A Fight

Start from the beginning

"How hurt was I?"

He shrugged and moved some hair from my face. "Pretty bad. You were stabbed, and your ankle was sprained really badly. Um your fingers were scrapped almost to the bone, and you dislocated your shoulder. And a lot of your skin from your midsection was gone."

I looked down. My shirt was gone, exposing my bra and my boobs. Thank God I wore a bra yesterday, I thought. I was notorious for coming to school with just a jacket and some pants on, which sometimes was the only thing I could put on in time to catch the train to school. It happened a lot, and during the winter, lets just say a lot of nippies were showing.

"What happened to my shirt?" I asked him.

"Sorry about that. I had to use it to wrap up your body and stop the bleeding. I didn't know...touch you or anything."

"Okay." I sighed and closed my eyes.

I just wanted this pain to go away. I just wanted to be done with this day. This life. I wanted out. "Carmen? Can I ask what happened to you?"

What happened to me? My eyes widened and I looked around. I suddenly saw all the people crammed into this truck. Lots of crying babies, scared teens, and adults in worse shape. They were all beat up badly, and a lot of them had dirty faces, streaked clean by tears.

We weren't on paved road, I could tell by all of the bouncing and all of the shaking we were doing. Some people were talking, and a soldier was looking at me, with a half concerned, half lustful look in his eyes.

I looked behind me and saw another one of those covered trucks were following us. My head started pounding harder than it was before, and so was the rest of my body. I groaned in pain and the boy-Tyler or something like that-told me to calm down, and that I should go back to sleep.

I tried my best to relax, but with all of the sounds and all of the bumps we were hitting, it was very hard. What happened to me?

I looked over at Blake. He was moving his legs, but not walking. His chest was rising and falling, but he wasn’t breathing. His heart was still pumping, but he wasn’t living. He wasn’t living. His whole world. His whole life, had been taken from him in an instant. And there was nothing he could do. There was nothing any of us could do.

“Dios mio,” I whispered. “I feel so bad.”

Katie rubbed her shoulder against mine and whispered in my ear. “Don’t say anything. It may set off something inside of him. And George. Don't say anything to make him upset."

She was right. I did need to keep my mouth shut. I had caused too much trouble already. But this was the motherfucking apocalypse. All of us should just get used to it. People would live. People would die. That was the order of things.

I heard people behind us screaming. George turned around to see what all of the fuss was about. “What the fuck is that thing?”

We all turned to see a black robot of death speeding towards us. Blake turned and stared at it, while we all ran. “Blake! Get your ass over here!” I shouted. He didn’t listen. He just stood there looking at the thing. I think he wanted it to take him. I think he wanted to die. It reached out and grabbed one person from the crowd of running people, and the other snatched Blake and darted up to the sky.

Katie screamed out his name, as tears fell down her face. I looked back to see if it was really gone. The first one was, but a second one had come over a hill. I cursed under my breath and kept running. There was a pole just ahead, I could see it clearly, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t move because I was squished between everybody running in terror.  My ankle got caught a crack and I fell, hitting my head on the pole.

Everybody passed me up, and I scrambled to get up. But the cold metal clamps of the thing wrapped around my waits. I screamed and held onto the broken concrete. It was ripping my skin, and I hands were getting cut by the shards of tiny glass and the rough sidewalk. It kept pulling me and pulling me, but I held on. I felt my figers slip and I screamed. I was scared.

I shut my eyes and I said my last prayers. I prayed that God would have mercy on my stained soul. I was going to hell. I knew it. I just prayed and prayed that somehow I would get to heaven.

I felt a very painful pop in my shoulder and I screamed out again. It's claw dug into my side and I couldn't take it anymore. It hurt so bad.

I looked up and I saw my friends running. "Don't leave me!" I screamed at them. "Don't leave me you bastards!" I whimpered out a please, before my second hand slipped.

"Nothing happened," I whispered. "I just got into a really bad fight. That's all." I closed my eyes and tried my best to shut out all the pain from my body and my mind.

My friends didn't do anything to help me, but this guy who probably only heard of me in stories his girlfriend told, saved me. But why? I was only going to screw things up for him. I was only going to make his life worse than it already was.

I couldn't stay with him, or anybody for that matter. He should've just let me die. Then at least, he would live.

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