Chapter 2

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Shorter chapter here - sorry!

"Fifty quid says you'll change your mind by the end of the month," he laughed confidently, and Connie folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't think I will, Staff Nurse Masters," she said, quite adamantly. "I look forward to collecting that fifty pounds from you."

"There ain't a chance you're going to win this," he laughed. It had been three weeks since Jacob had been discharged, and he was back to his usual habits, trying to persuade her into going to dinner. He had sworn that he only asked once, though this was his second attempt, and Connie was still refusing to go. He laughed at her as she pouted at him, and then he stopped suddenly, and walked across to the black chair in her office. He sat down on it, and took a few deep breaths, and Connie looked across at him worriedly.

"Are you alright?" She asked, and he nodded, trying to catch his breath. She grabbed her stethoscope and placed it on his chest, and checked his temperature with her hand. "You're burning up." She tried to help him stand, but suddenly he coughed and pulled himself away from her so he could throw up. Connie noticed it wasn't sick, and he was spluttering blood, so she grabbed a tissue and wiped around his mouth once he'd finished. He stumbled into her and their eyes locked for a moment, and she was only able to whisper, "Come with me," huskily as they stared deep into each other's eyes. She would've leant up to kiss him, but she was reminded that he needed medical treatment, and so she helped him into a cubicle.

"I'm fine," he gasped when he was sat down and settled on the bed.

"You're clearly not, else you wouldn't have been throwing up blood over my office." He looked down at the bed, and Connie felt sorry for him. "Hey, it couldn't have been helped," she said softly, and he looked up at her again. She had a little bit on her white blouse and it was smudged, so she had obviously noticed it.

"I thought you'd be mad," he confessed, and she rolled her eyes and smiled. She looked over his results, and then passed them over to him to look at. He had all the symptoms of a common cold, and so she didn't expect that the blood was anything important. Typical really, for her to stress over something so small, but it was better than not caring at all - to a certain extent.

"Looks like the haemoptysis is probably just the result of prolonged coughing from your cold," she said. "But I'd like to do a urine test to be sure." She got the results through soon enough, and since there was no blood present in the urine, they were able to diagnose him with just having a common cold, and as he got off the bed to get changed, she sat down on it and sighed.

"Alright Mrs B?" He laughed. "Your turn for a checkup?"

"Funny," she smiled sarcastically. "It's just been a long day," she admitted, and she stood up as she saw he was ready. She walked with him back to her office, and they just talked together for a while, until she reached her door. She was surprised to see that the blood had been cleaned up, and invited Jacob in to see. "Only one bit of blood left now," she laughed, and looked down at her shirt, closing the office door after he walked in.

"I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new one," he said, and he noticed the glimmer in her eye, telling him that she really didn't care. "But for the time being, it's just an excuse to take it off," he smiled, as he walked slowly up to her.

"Nice try, Staff Nurse Masters," she laughed, stopping him in his tracks. "But I have fifty pounds to win."

"You're a difficult woman to please," he smiled, and kissed her cheek professionally to thank her, and then left her office. "But I'll do it." Her hand moved up to her cheek where he had just kissed her, and she smiled ridiculously - now she had to avoid him and fight her feelings for another three weeks, as it was only the 5th January. He had a whole month to use his womanising techniques on her, and she knew that her icy exterior was melting slowly under his hot gaze. 

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