Levi's squad and the female titan

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Normal Pov *

* next morning *

You woke up as you look out your window and saw it was morning already. You say" another day fighting Titans." You sigh as you looked at Levi asleep in the chair next to your bed. You smiled and whisper " Awwww shorty looks cute when he is asleep." You got up and picked him up in a bridal style and placed him in your bed and covered him.

You got dressed and made your way to your office.

(M/n)'s Pov *

As I get to my desk and sit down, I say" oh I must go get me some coffee to get my day started" I got up and made my way to the kitchen. As I entered, I saw Hanje and Eren in the dining area. I poured me some coffee and walked towards them.

I say" Morning Guys" Hanje says " Good Morning Corporal (M/n)" as she salutes, I say" at ease, Cadet" I turned to look at Eren, who looked like he didn't get any sleep. Eren shot awake and says" Good Morning Sir!" Saluting me. I nod and look over at Hanje as I say" you kept Eren up all night. Didn't you realise that he needs to get his rest so he can fight against the titans. He needs all the energy he could get from his rest. " Hanje says " oh no , I'm so sorry Eren...I didn't know that I kept you up."

I make the 'Tch' sound like Levi makes. Eren looks at me and ask" Sir..." I look at him and say " you can call me by my name, Eren" Eren nods and says" (M/n), seen as you are a Corporal. Do you have a squad?" I look at him and look away and think about my squad. I got up and walked away.

Hanje says " Eren, you shouldn't of asked that" I stood with my back towards him and say " I lost my whole squad. " and closed the door.

Normal Pov *

Hanje looks at Eren and sighs. She says" Eren, (M/n) doesn't like when we ask about his squad cause it reminds him of what happened...." Eren says " I don't know but can you tell me what happened to them." Hanje says " okay, I will tell you so that you know for next time when asking (M/n) about him and his squad." Eren nods.

Hanje clears her throat and says " okay it all started when he was a cadet...He joined them when he was young, younger than you  when you joined.." Eren was shocked that you joined the cadets at a early age. Hanje continues" he met his first member of his squad, Cadet Damian Akahana years after he had joined. They click right away. They fought titans together. (M/n) was caught by one of the titan's and was saved by Damian...." Eren say " wow, they must of been quite the team..." Hanje says " yeah they were quite good at slaying the titans but then they were separated..." Eren ask" how come?" Hanje says " I don't know but all I know is that a year later, Levi brought (M/n) here. (M/n) was really beaten up badly. His body was full of brusies and cuts. He was bleeding a lot. I went to help levi carry him in. I cleaned up his bruises and as I looked at him I asked Levi what had happened to him but Levi just said that I didn't need to know but he will explain everything once (M/n) was fully recovered..."

Eren says " Woah. ...so do you know what Happened to him and why he was covered in bruises?" She shook her head and says" No, not really but after he had fully recovered from his injuries, he carried on like nothing happened to him. He showed us that he was solider who had one goal set in mind and that was to save humanity from the Titans."

She continues " after we had help train him, he became part of the Scouts. Erwin saw that he had potential of being a squad leader. So Erwin appointed him as Corporal...." Eren says " The commander chose him?" She nods and says " yes and he got to chose people for his squad so Erwin brought some new recruits to join and Damian was one of them...So Damian became part of his squad...don't get me wrong, he had also chosen others and their names were John White, Aimi Kuroba, Aoi Walker and Damian Akahana. They all made up (M/n)'s Squad. They were called' The freedom wolves'..." Eren asked " 'The freedom wolves' why did they call themselves that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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