The Story of (M/n)

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(M/n)'s Pov *

*flash back* /*Dream*

*(M/n) at 8 years old*

"(M/n), get washed up before you come have your dinner" a woman's voice said. "Coming mom! " I say. I get up from sitting on the ground. I was about to run in when I heard loud footsteps. I looked up and saw a 15 meter titan. I scream " MOMMY! DADDY!" They ran out and saw the titan. My dad says"(M/N), get inside now." I ran inside as we all went to our basement. As I stood there in fear my dad says" (M/n), I need to tell you something that you need to know." I looked at the look he had on his face like he was serious about what he was going to tell me. My dad sighs as he looks to my mom as she nod. My dad says " (M/n), you are not completely human." My eyes go wide as my dad said that. I say" what....what do you mean...that I'm...I'm not completely human? Dad , what is going on?" As he is about to speak, the roof top of the basement comes crashing down on my mom.

I scream " MOMMY! " as the tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my mom get killed as the house started to collapse on us. My Dad grabbed me and carried me out of the house. As I saw the titans come running after us. As my dad and I got further away. He puts me down and placed his hand on my shoulder before speaking" (M/n) I don't know how much time I have left but all you need to know is that you have to learn to control it before it controls you." I look at him and say " Dad, you are not making any sense. What do you mean that I'm not completely human and what do I have to control before it controls me?"

He says " You will know soon , right now, you need to make a run for it. Go Save humanity. Run (M/n)! And go find your brother!" As he ran back towards the titans. I ran the other way. I looked back as my Dad disappeared out of sight. I think ' what the hell did my dad mean by what he said! And I have a brother? Why? Why did you have to wait all these years?' As I ran into the town, I look around at all the people and I realised that titans were coming. I ran as the tears ran down my cheeks. I ran until I lost all my energy. I suddenly fell down and was laying on the the ground. I slowly lose concsiness but saw a figure of a boy. He picks me up.

Later on, I slowly wake up. I look around as got up as I saw the same figure I saw before and he looked at me as I sat up. I ask" where.....where am I? " He says" Tch, You are in my house. You collapsed in front of my door you brat" " Levi , that is no way to talk to your brother." A woman's voice said." Tch, yeah mom." He got up and hugged me. I say " what the hell is going on? " He says " your dad is my father but we have different mothers. " I look at him and say " I don't know what is going on here but all my dad said was that I'm not completely human and that I have to control something before it controls me. And that I have a brother. I saw those monsters kill my mom. " Levi says " Tch, then we have to train to fight those fucking monsters." He held his Hand out and continue to say " This is my promise brother....We will fight them one day." I took his hand and we shook. I say" I promise."

*2 years later *

We stayed in the underground and became the leaders and rugos of the black market. Levi and I was relaxing there when I say" Levi, I have to go see what lies outside for me while you run things here. " Levi says " Tch, okay when you do go take my mom with you and pretend that she is your mother, so they don't go after you. " I nod and got up.

*a month later *

I moved to Shiganshina with Levi's mother.(An: if you read the beginning then you should know where I am going with this)

*(M/n) at 12 years old *

I heard that there is a Cadet legion near by. I climbed the roof and saw the cadets as their Commanding officer was shouting the cadets. I smile and say " one day! One day I will join them." I wanted to climb down but I slip and lose my balance and fall down. Luckily, I didn't fall down hard but I fell on one of the people that were part of the cadets. They help me and say" hey kid you are not suppose to be here. " the officer came towards us and shouts" what is going on here Cadet? " the cadet salutes but then I salute as well. The officer saw that I saluted and realised that I knew how to salute without looking at the cadet's salute as he saw the respect in my eyes as I say" sir, I fell on my follow Cadet without seeing them". He nods and asked " hey boy, would you like to be part of the cadets?" I had a huge grin on my face as I stayed saluting the Commanding officer. I say" I would love to sir."

I joined the Cadets....

*a few years later *

I was fighting Titans with my follow cadets. We all killed titans. I watched as my follow cadets get eaten alive. I tried to run and save them but I lose my leg and I'm on the ground as a titan walks towards me and say" You will die! You will pay for killing my mother!" And a bright flash of light appeared.

I open my eyes as I see the titans all killed and I look down and saw titan's feet and speak through my thoughts' what happened? Why am I on a titan? ' I look into a window and saw my reflection in it and saw a titan in the window and thought ' am I a titan? ' As I see another titan coming towards me . I growl and threw a punch at the titan. I continued to attack the titans.

I slowly lose concsiness and fell down. After a while, I woke up and saw a group of people who held guns towards me and they picked me up and took me to a place. As they carried me inside but I saw a symbol with a green unicorn on it. I wonder what symbol is that. They put me in chains and starts to tortured me. I scream in pain as they start to cut me and punched me as I bleed out but I don't die.

*flash back ends/dream ends*

I shot up and woke up in a cold sweat as I screamed. Levi ran into my room and says" (M/n) are you okay? " I look at my hands and says" I just had a dream about when the Miltary Police captured me and tortured me..." he don't say anything as he pull me into a hug and say" Tch, (M/n) don't worry they won't do it to you again cause I won't let them near you as long as I'm still fucking alive." I shed tears and say" thank you brother." Levi looks at me and nods and smiles which is very rare that will appear on his face.....

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do comment and vote.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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