Chapter 2

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The bell rang signaling for the last class to be over and Alec and I stood up walking upstairs to our lockers. "Where's your locker?"
"At the end of the hallway."
"That sucks..."
"Not really... I mean ya it can be a pain walking to the end of the hall, but I'm away from most people..." He raised an eyebrow and kept walking. "Where's your locker?" We were almost to mine and he hadn't stopped at a locker yet.
"We just passed it." I looked at him expectantly, thinking he would turn and go back.
"Umm... I don't want to sound rude... But why didn't you go to it?"
"What type of person would I be if I didn't walk with you? And anyways your locker is at the end so on our way back we can go to my locker." I nodded not understanding why he didn't just leave me to walk alone. To think about it I haven't walked alone yet today... I either had Pandora or Alec walking with me... I stopped at my locker and opened it throwing my stuff in my backpack. I zipped my bag and threw it over my shoulder slamming my locker closed and followed Alec to his locker.
"So where did you move from again?"
"What made you move here to Colorado? The scenery? The people? The scenery?" He wriggled his eyebrows after the last scenery making me laugh.
"Because I would move here for the scenery! There's nothing to look at..." I glanced at him up and down.
"You know... That is hurtful... Really hurtful..."
"You walked into it..." He pouted a littler bit, and trust me... There was a lot to look at. "Anyways we moved here because of my dad..."
"Oh new job?" I didn't know how to answer.. I didn't want to talk about it and I didn't want pity thoughts in my head... "Not really but whatever.. Lets go..." He nodded closing his locker and leading me out of the school.
"Hey new girl." I stopped dead in my tracks. It couldn't be... She couldn't have moved to... I turned. Sasha...
"What the hell are you doing here Sasha?"
"Ahh come on Willow. Your not happy to see me?" She smiled sickly sweet at me.
"No I'm not! What the hell are you doing here!" She frowned pretending to act hurt. I could feel Alec standing close behind me.
"Aww Willow... My dad got transferred for work... Not quite your reason.. I know there are a lot of memories in Illinois with your mom..." I looked at my feet and tensed up. "Oh... Oops... I'm sorry. I forgot, you don't talk about it..." She looked at Alec. "You see... Alec is it? Willows mom had a horrible accident... She was out with her friends on a 'girls day' and got really drunk... Well she decided it would be fine to drive home.. She ran off the road, hit a tree and died when Willow got to her..."
"Shut up!" I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled at her. "What the HELL is your problem! What did I do to you!! I helped you!" I turned and saw Alec. I heard the thoughts.
'Oh my god... That's so sad. What a bitch that girl is though...' I wanted to cry. I ran out of the school.
"What the hells you problem!" I heard Alec yell at Sasha before his footsteps came running after me. "Willow! Willow come on!!" I kept running until I was outside and the frigid cold air hit my face. I was in the parking lot when I finally stopped and fell to my knees. Alec knelt down beside me and breathed out my name and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him a buried my face in his shoulder. "Willow... It's ok..."
"What's she doing here!"
"I don't know... I wish I could tell you... I really do..." I was freezing and starting to shake. Alec hugged me tighter. "We need to get you home." I nodded into his shoulder before he pulled away. He stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him. He didn't let go my hand instead he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him and walked my to his car, which was actually a really nice looking truck. I smiled.
"I love your truck." He opened the passenger side door.
"Thanks..." He made sure I was in all the way then closed the door and walked to the drivers side and got in. "So where am I going?" He looked at me as he started the truck.
"Country Lane."
"Oh ya one road from me." He put the truck in drive and pulled out of the parking lit of the school and headed towards my house.
"So who was that girl in there?" I looked down at my hands.
"That was... Uh... Sasha... She lived back in Illinois with me... I moved partly because of everyone... We used to be friends... Then we got to high school  and she hated me... I don't know what I did but she hated me." He glanced at me still watching the road.
"I'm sorry."
"I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want the pity looks and the I'm sorry's..."
"Ok. No apologies and no pity looks."
"And don't think about me like a pity case..." After I said I knew that it sounded rude cause he didn't know what I did...
"Ok." He turned down Country Lane. "Where are you?"
"At the end. The last house on the right." He nodded and drove to the last house and turned into the driveway. We sat there for a minute before he said something.
"So... How do you get to school?"
"Same way... I walk.."
"Well not anymore... I'll be here at 7:25 tomorrow morning." He smiled at me and I smiled back nodding my head.
"Ok." I went to get out of the car but he stopped me.
"I don't have your number yet..." I smiled again and took his phone from him and put my number in.
"There." I handed his phone back to him. "See you in the mourning Alec." I got out of the truck and closed the door walking up to my house, unlocking the door and walked in. I looked out the window and saw him pull away and wave at me. I waved back and walked into my living room. I heard my dog come down from, I'm guessing, my room. He jogged over and jumped up hugging my waist like a little kid just with some claws. "Hey Rocky." He jumped off and ran around the room coming back to me. "Your silly." I grabbed a leash off a hook and clipped it on his collar and walked him outside. We lived at the end of a dead end road that had woods that wrapped around to the back of our house. I walked Rocky to the woods the road dead ended into. We followed one path down to the lake. It was still frozen over and the snow sat lightly on top, untouched. I found a fallen tree that didn't have to much snow on it and I sat down hoping it wasn't wet and my butt wouldn't be wet later. Rocky paced I front of me but we didn't know the area so I couldn't let him off the leash. I sat there watching Rocky and listening to all the sounds. Out of nowhere Rocky tore the leash from my hands and took off towards the lake.
"Rocky!!!" I yelled at him and chased after him but I was to late. He was in the middle of the lake. "Rocky. Come here boy... Come here." He wasn't listening and I could hear the ice starting to crack and break. "Oh my God... Rocky!!" I was scared and didn't know what to do. I did the only thing I could think of. I slowly and carefully walked across the ice. "Come here boy. Rocky come here..." I heard the ice crack more. I walked of the ice not knowing what to do. "Damnit..." I was standing in the edge of the frozen lake. "Damnit, Damnit, Damnit..." I heard the ice crack more. The ice gave out under my dog. I screamed. "Rocky! No, no, no..." I ran across the ice to my drowning dog. The ice broke beneath me and without missing a beat I started swimming. I grabbed ahold of the leash and pulled Rocky towards me while I was doing my best to tread water. I was freezing and I didn't know how I was going to get back. I held Rocky above water with one arm and tried my best to swim with the other. I reached the end of the ice and pushed Rocky up onto it, pushing myself down a little. "Shit..." I got Rocky on the ice but it was still cracking. I grabbed the ice and tried pulling myself up. The ice wasn't strong enough to hold me and my dog. I pushed Rocky as hard as I could. He slid across the ice and to the edge of the lake. I sighed when I saw him get onto solid ground. He turned around and whined a little and sat at the edge looking at me. I smiled knowing that my dog was safe. I looked around for somewhere that I could get up into land. I was in the middle of ice that couldn't hold my weight.. I yelled out for help knowing that no one could probably hear me. I was getting really cold and I was just trying to stay above water. I looked at my dog who looked worried. I was too tired to keep going. I started falling when I felt a hand grab my arm.

Hey guys!!! I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment so I know what you guys think and please like if you liked this chapter!! Well goodbye for now my lovely readers!!

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