Chapter One: Dallon Weekes: Kink Patrol

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Ryan had woke up with a massive headache and the room spinning. Of course, it was only the second time during the week that he woke up like that, and it was Monday, he groaned- slamming his face in the pillow. He grabbed the phone from his night stand, calling the first number on his phone- which thankfully wasn't his mother. But rather his friend Gerard. Which wouldn't have been so bad if Gerard didn't find his soulmate. And it wasn't that Ryan hated his soulmate, Frank, he just hated to concept of soulmates. But of course, it wasn't like that until he got his tattoo. He was eighteen, everyone is eighteen when they get their tattoo- though some meet their soulmates before they turn eighteen and Ryan wasn't one of them. He didn't know anybody who was born on April twelfth- Gerard was the closest friend he had that was born close to that date.

Ryan had quietly told Gerard the situation he was in before hanging up when Gerard said that he'd be there in twenty minutes. Which still was too long for Ryan, the migraine was really getting to him and it was way worse than any that his other friend, Tyler, would complain about late at night. Though Ryan most definitely understood why.

He groaned loudly when Gerard hung up, turning himself to lie face down in his lilac bed sheets. He took a shy glance at his tattoo- eyeing the second date a bit more than the first. He knew that his soulmate was born on April twelfth, twenty one years ago. That information was sewn into his brain at that point. But the second date still haunted him more than anything. He frowned a bit, hiding his head into the pillow again and letting out another loud groan.

Gerard and Frank had walked into Ryan's place, making their way to the back room where Ryan's bedroom was. They found him in the same position that he stayed in for the past twenty minutes. Exactly.

"Jesus Christ, Ryan." Gerard frowned, pushing his friend over a little. "What did you do?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Ryan mumbled into the pillow.

"Please, Ryan- talk about it. It's the soulmates thing again, isn't it?" Gerard asked, looking at Ryan sympathetically.

Ryan just let out a hesitant nod, glancing up at Gerard and Frank. "It's so fucked up. Why does mine have to die at the end of the year? I want to be happy too. Does that make me selfish? It makes me selfish." Ryan frowned, hiding his face back in the pillow.

"Ryan, I know- soulmates are fucked up, but you're not gonna get one more fucked up than Frank." Gerard joked, leading Frank to frown and cross his arms. "I'm kidding, baby."

"I know." Frank shook his head, focusing back on Ryan.

"I won't get a soulmate at all." Ryan mumbled into the pillow.

"You have a tattoo at least, you have a soulmate." Gerard reassured his friend.

"But I won't meet them, I won't be happy." Ryan continued on from the pillow.

"Ryan, you can be happy without a soulmate. Trust me." Gerard sighed.

"No I can't, you weren't. Why would I be?" Ryan frowned.

"Ryan-" Gerard bit his lower lip.

"Exactly." Ryan said, lifting his head up from the pillow and facing away from his friends- focusing more on the stuffed animals he kept on his bed. He reached out for the stuffed alpaca he had gotten himself over valentine's day- cuddling it close to him. "I just want somebody to cuddle me like this." Ryan sighed.

"You can get that." Gerard sighed.

"Not without a soulmate. It's practically a sin."

"Since when are you super fucking religious." Frank scoffed, keeping his arms crossed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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