Chapter 71: The Uchiha Prodigy [Shippuden]

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"So what's your plan?"

"I'm returning to the leaf, Madara already knows. I gave him a nice dark chakra fuelled punch and kick as my resignation" I explained and heard him chuckle. I flinched when his hand slapped my back.

"You finally stood up to him" He congratulated.

"Itachi would be..."

"Please don't" I interrupted.

"I can barely hold myself together and I don't have time to break down, I just..." I paused and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I just need to keep moving" I said softly and closed my eyes when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I felt the tears building again and turned my head from the scroll.

"It'll be okay kid" He said and I glanced over my shoulder at him.

"Why do you care?" I asked and he smirked slightly.

"Itachi was my partner, and I like to think that we were somewhat friends." He explained and I nodded slightly. I closed the scroll then and sealed it as I stood.

"I'm returning to Leaf, and I would like to return with my crimes pardoned" I started and handed him the scroll.

"This holds a secret that could cause the chaos and destruction of the Leaf. If they do choose to execute me, then you're to spread this information to every village you can. Understood?" I asked and he nodded. I tried to smile in response, but it felt more like a grimace so instead, I offered my hand. He glanced at it before returning the gesture, giving me a firm handshake.

"I'll do what I can to keep them off your trail" He offered and I nodded slightly.

"Thank you Kisame." I said softly as he put the scroll in his cloak. I watched him turn from me, pausing at the open door.

"I'll try to bring you Itachi's body" He said suddenly and I stared at his back.

"I know you'd want to bury him with the others" He finished with a shrug and I nodded even though he couldn't see it.

"Good luck Rin" I watched him leave and waited till he disappeared before I stepped out into the open. Now only one more stop.


I wanted to give Naruto some hope that all this wasn't a waste, that we weren't going to give up. Kiba said there was a scent but he couldn't be certain that it would give us a lead.

"We can't give up after coming this far" Naruto said suddenly and the others seemed to agree.

"We'll just keep searching until there's no trace left to follow" I ordered. The others looked ready to go until Hinata raised her hand.

"There's someone else here" She warned and I lifted my headband, ready for anything. I pulled Naruto back as the wall he stood by started to warp. I thought it would be the man with the orange mask but I noticed instead our shadows pulling towards it.

"Dark ninjutsu" I breathed. The darkness became thick and dense, then finally she stepped out of it. We were all silent and she looked up, glancing at each of us as the jutsu faded. Her eyes were red, swollen, and tired, bruises covered her neck and she was gripping her torso.

"R-Rin" Naruto stammered and she glanced at her feet.

"Sasuke's with the Akatsuki. Y-you won't be able to find him" She said slowly, her voice weak.

"And the body?" Yamato asked. I noticed her swallow, wincing when she did.

"I don't know" She replied her voice cracking. I knew she was crying but the rain hid it well. The others tensed when she tried to take a step forward but she couldn't manage anymore. I reached out catching her before she hit the ground.

"Lay her down!" Sakura ordered as she rushed over and I followed her instruction.

"Kakashi, she has intel. We have to take her in" Yamato stated as Sakura unzipped Rin's shirt. I held her hand and noticed the bend in her fingers, broken as well.

"We're not about to arrest her in this condition" I objected and heard him sigh. Sakura was listening to Rin's heart and continued checking her vitals.

"Heart steady but fast. Major burns on her left arm and leg, two fingers are broken as well as three ribs so keep her still or they will puncture her lung" She ordered and moved to her neck.

"Major damage to neck muscles" She continued as she pulled a small flashlight from within her cloak.

"Rin, look at me." Rin glanced towards her and Sakura shone the light in her eyes.

"Pupils are different sizes, she could have sustained brain damage from lack of oxygen or it might be an overuse of her Sharingan" Sakura diagnosed and her hands faded to green as she placed them over Rin's ribs.

"This way you'll be able to carry her without risk of further injury, but she will need a hospital sooner rather than later" Sakura advised and I nodded.

"We can take her to one of the smaller villages near...."

"No" Rin managed to object and I glanced down at her.

"Rin you need rest and recovery, if we leave you here you could die" Sakura warned but Rin shook her head, flinching as Sakura moved over her torso. I sighed as I pushed aside her bangs.

"Then what do you suggest?" I asked and Rin's eyes glanced at me.

"Take me home" She replied and the others seemed just as confused.

"What?" I asked. She released a slow breath and held my hand a little tighter.

"Take me home' She repeated and I looked at Sakura who was just as unsure.

"Rin, if..."

"She wants to go back to the Leaf" Naruto interrupted, and I could hear the relief in his voice. We had lost Sasuke but Rin was right here willing to come back with us, and for him, that was a win.

"She's still a criminal Naruto, she'll be put on trial, and for the crimes she's committed..." I stopped. I couldn't bring myself to say it. We all knew the penalty. I looked at Rin but she had already given in to her exhaustion. Her eyes were closed, her breathing evened out as Sakura continued to heal her. Naruto stepped forward and pulled off his cloak.

"Rin always has a plan" He reminded as he knelt down. Sakura pulled back her hands allowing him to wrap Rin in his cloak.

"We just need to believe in her and do as she's asked. Let's take her home" Naruto said confidently. I stared at him for a moment before nodding in agreement. Sakura helped me lift Rin into my arms before I looked at the team.

"We tell no one until Rin has recovered and has her audience with the Hokage, understood?" I ordered and they all nodded.

"Good, now let's move" 

Scroll 3: The Third Uchiha [Naruto]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu