Chapter 12: The Head In The Box

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Sooo...I'm like so freaking tired right now and I'm laughing at everything... soooo let's ignore my craziness :)

Also. The first chapter of His Dead Mate is published!!! So make sure you go and check it out!!

Anywhore. On with the amazingly written chapter.



"But alpha." A mother said as she cradled her daughter. "How do we know that he won't hurt us?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but others beat me to it.

"He's a killer!"

"He's a disgrace!"

"Think of the children!"

I growled as I watched my pack member's kept shooting out their thoughts.

Normally I'm all for it, but I'm trying to explain myself in this pack meeting and they aren't letting me talk.

"Enough!" I yelled as I slammed my hands down on the table.

Everyone shut up real quick and shrunk back in their seats as they looked at me.

"I understand your concerns, I really do. But I am the alpha, I will do the talking." I growled as my members nodded. "I know that a lot of you are scared because of what Deacon did. I am too. But I'm not going to go against the Moon Goddess. At first I was a little skeptical, but I know it was really her."

"We haven't forgiven them completely." Zylen said as she spoke up. "They all have a lot of catching up to do and we warned them that our pack was not going to welcome them with open arms."

"I know that when we see them, you guys will be warry and watching them like a hawk. That is okay." I said as I looked over everyone. "But when we do see them, do not be rude. They have a lot of making up to do and I don't want anyone to treat them like shit. So if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes alpha." Everyone said simultaneously.

"Good." I said nodding to myself. "Now onto more important matters."

"We got a little visitor yesterday when we visited Deacon." Colby sighed.

"The visitor actually." Zylen said as she put an emphasis on 'the'.

"Do you mean?" Elder Letty asked.

I nodded at her shocked face. "Lawson has made an appearance."

My wolf whimpered as we heard the gasps and felt the fear radiating off of everyone.

I held my hand up so they would quite down. "He didn't have anyone with him when he showed up. Which makes me think he isn't ready to attack or he wants us to think that. Either way, we can't let out guard down. You all know how he is. Lawson is unpredictable and cunning. He is reckless, but he gets the job done. It amazes me how he makes it work though."

"But why would he come alone?" A pack member asked. "That's way too risky."

Zylen nodded. "I know. It doesn't add up but we can't take the situation lightly."

I was about to put in my opinion, but the doors to the hall burst open.

"Alpha!" A guard yelled as he ran in carrying a box.

"What's wrong?" I asked on guard as my pack members looked scared.

"W-we have." The guard stopped talking a took a deep breath. "We have a present."

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