Chapter 6: They Pay A Visit

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(Oh hot damn Zane ;) )

Hey guys! I'm really sorry for falling off the face of the earth lol. Work has been hectic and it's so exhausting. I'm doing third shift but I'm also doing first shift for training so this past week I'm running on probably 5 hours of sleep for all of last week and then I barely got any sleep last night because I worked third shift and then I had to wake up for first shift. So It's a blast lol.

And also, if you have a crush on a guy, don't. Throw that crush away because all crushes do is crush your life and make you depressed lmao. Take my word for it!

So I want to know something. What are your thoughts on Deacon? Do you think Ace should have rejected him? Or did she make the right decision?

I want to hear what you guys have to say. So comment above what you guys think!

Anywhore. While you guys are commenting, I'm going to write this chapter :)



"I should have followed her." I sighed as I sat in my chair.

"It's okay bro." Gabriel said as he sat down across from me.

"Not it's not!" I yelled as I stared at him. "I made the worse first impression ever! She hates me. Absolutely hates me! I can never make it up to her."

"Trust me. We know how that feels." Zane whispered sadly as he sat down next to Gabriel.

'We totatlly messed up.' Blade growled. 'I hate this.'

'You and me both.' I whimpered.

'Let's fix this.' Blade said.

'How?' I asked him. 'She hates us.'

'Well get off your lazy ass and let's go apologize. Don't leave until she hears you out.'

I smiled at the idea and stood up.

"Come on guys." I said as I ran around my desk and pulled them both to their feet.

"Where are we going?" Gabriel asked.

"Going to go apologize." I smiled.

I hope this works.



"Fuck him!" I growled as I punch the punching bag. "This bag is his fucking little face and I'm going to rip it to shreds."

"Don't kill it." Zylen laughed as he pulled me away from the bag.

"I had my entire speech planned out. I knew exactly what I was going to say to him. But nope. Stupid rogues had to ruin it." I growled as I took a sip from my water bottle.

"Alpha!" April yelled as he ran down.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"Alpha Deacon and two others are coming towards the border."

"Why?" I asked.

April shrugged. "I don't know. But it can't be good."

I growled and walked towards her. "Get the fighters ready. I don't want him stepping foot on my land."

"Yes alpha." April bowed and ran out of the gym.

'If he wants a fight, let's give him one.' Ava growled.

"Let's go girls." I said.

Zylen and Colby both nodded and followed me out.

Once we touched the grass, we shifted.

Girls RuleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz