Power & Control (Parvill)

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Well-known Business Man Suspected of Cheating
William Strife, CEO of Strife Solutions, is suspected of cheating on his boyfriend Alex Parvis, the lead guitarist of the band Area 11. Whether or not these rumours are true is yet to be determined. This may bring William Strife's career to an end.


Will's eyes dwell over the front cover of the newspaper for the second time. He still finds it hard to believe this is actually happening. The article doesn't state who spread the rumours, but Will has a damn good idea who did.

Fair enough, he hadn't spend a lot of time with his boyfriend recentely, he knew that perfectly well, but it had been an unusually busy period and no matter how badly he wanted to spend time with Parvis, he just never had any. He suspected Parv sent these rumours to the paper, it struck him as a very Parv thing to do. He wasn't happy about it, because, as the newspaper stated, this could mean the end of his carreer.

Parvis walked into Strife's office, a small and innocent smile playing on his lips. Yes, he had sent those rumours, but he had reasons to do it. If Strife lost his job, he could spend more time with him! He had missed him a lot over the past few months. He knew his job was important to him, but it ruined their relationship. Alex felt hurt and had tried to tell Will this on multiple occassions, but every single time again Strife just sent Parv away. It hurt so much. Parvis was angry and he felt like Strife didn't care about him anymore. He wasn't just angry, he was sad. Strife had promised never to hurt him, yet he did.

"Yes, Strifey?" Parv asked.
"Quit it, quit the whole 'Strifey' thing. I know this was you," Will replied, pointing at the article. He pinched the bridge of his nose and moaned. "Parvis, do you have any idea what you've done? This could mean the end of my carreer, the end of Strife Solutions."
"So? Then you just get a new job, who cares? We can spend more time together now!"
"Parv, you really don't realise what you've done, now do you? DO YOU, sorry, do you have any idea what this means? If I lose this job, if I lose this company, we don't have any money. We won't have any time to spend together because I will be up 24/7 to rebuild what I've lost. And Parvis, if I lose all of this, I doubt it would matter much to me if I lost you too."

This hit Parvis and it hit hard. He had never thought about what would happen afterwards. He just thought it would mean more time for him, for them. His sadness however, turned into anger.

"You may be good looking, Will, but you're not a fucking piece of art, alright?! Do you think you can replace me? I'd like to see you try."
"Do you think you're funny, Parv? What you've done is not funny, it's a disaster. Everything about you is a disaster. I can replace you, it wouldn't take much. The real question is: could you replace me?"

At that, Parvis stormed out of the office, out of the building and back to his castle. Tears of anger streamed over his face and mixed with the rain falling out of the sky in heavy drops. His black hair didn't take long to get completely wet and stick to his skull. His eyes were full of anger and he felt determined to take Strife down and to do it fast. When he was finally home, he picked up the phone and dialed the number of the newspaper.

"Yes, hello? This is Alex Parvis. I have more information about William Strife. You know, the cheater."

1 Day Later

William Strife - Million Dollar Cheater
It is now confirmed: business man William Strife of Strife Solutions has cheated on his partner. Unfortunately, we have not been able to contact either of the men.


With a heavy heart and the feeling as if stones were filling his stomach, Will knocked on the door of Parv's castle. He had read this morning's paper and seen the front page which, once again, showed a picture of his face. He was furious, but knew it would be a bad idea to piss Alex off even more. Maybe, if he apologised and made amends now, his carreer could still be saved.

"Who's there?" Parv's voice called from behind the door.
"It's me," Will simply answered, keeping his voice as neutral as possible.
"Who's 'me'?" Parv teased.
"Just open the damn door, Parv," Will moaned.
"Not until you say the magic word."
"Nonono, full sentence, Strifey. Has your mother not taught you anything?"
Will sighed. "Please open the door."
"To whom are you talking?"
"Please open the door, Parvis."
"Hmmm, alright, good enough."

As expected, Parvis opened the door, his teeth showing in a great big grin. He lead Strife to the kitchen, so they could sit down and talk properly. Fair enough, he didn't have to lead Will as he had been inside of the castle plenty of times before. As the men sat down, Strife wasted no time getting to the subject.

"I know I must've broken your heart, Parv," he started and watched Parv nod, "And I feel bad about that, I really do. But can we please settle this in private, without the media watching our every step?"
"I don't know. Can we do that, Strifey?" Parv asked, hinting at something Will understood without a problem.
"Look, Parvis, I really am sorry. I-...What can I do to make up for it? I will do anything."
"Anything, hmm?" Alex asked, grinning. He had some ideas as to how Will could make up.
Thinking about it for a moment, Will answered hesitantly. "Anything."
"Wellllll, let's start with spending more time with me."
"Deal, what else?"
"Well, Strifey, I have to say, I've always wanted to see you in that maid dress of your's."
Immediately, Will started blushing quite badly. He had no idea how Parv knew about that dress. "I- Parv, how do you even know about that thing?"
"Does that really matter, Will? Will you do it, or not?"
Will sighed deeply, his cheeks still red. "Okay, I will, Parvis....But if you ever tell anyone about it!"
"I won't, Strifey, I promise! I'm looking forward to it already."

Strife refused to answer, but shook Parv's hand to seal the deal. He had no doubt it wouldn't take long for his partner to cash in one part of the deal. He spent the rest of the day with Parvis and the next day, he was glad to read the morning paper.

Business Man's Reputation Restored
William Strife, who had been in the news the past few days for alleged cheating, has been redeemed. The rumours were proven to be false.

Author's Note:
Who doesn't like some Parvill, eh? So, as always, please leave suggestions for what I should do next in the comments (song+character/ship).

Seeya next time!

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