Recoil (Zoethian)

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Rythian's days are like a ritual: stay at Zoey's side by day, drink yourself completely drunk out of sadness at night. Rav's wants to stop serving him alcohol, but is afraid he'll get the endermage's magic shot up his arse. Besides, he's bringing in a lot of money for the bar.

Day after day, Rythian sits besides Zoey who is still in the hospital and still hasn't woken up yet. Every day, he stares at her beautiful face and the fiery red hair that surrounds it. Every day, he looks at the place where her arm should be, but isn't. Every day, he wishes the bomb hadn't exploded, but it had and there was nothing he could do about it now.

"How many are ya thinking about drinking tonight?" Ravs asks Rythian. It is just after sunset and Rythian just walked into the bar.
"I will drink a thousand drops, one for every single shot," he responds as he sits down on one of the stools at the bar. Ravs sighs.
"Ya say that ev'ry night and ev'ry night ya get drunk as fuck," Ravs says, shaking his head. Still, he pours the mage a pint of ale and puts a tally mark on a scrap of paper with the words 'Rythian's bill' on it. Rythian takes the pint, muttering a soft 'thanks'. At the end of the night, his bill was filled with tally marks.

The morning after:
There he sits again, next to Zoey's hospital bed with a massive hangover. Nothing more than usual, really. He looks at her beautiful fiery red hair and her even more beautiful face, wishing once more that nothing had ever happened. With his head in his hands, he whispers: "Zoey, I've fired only blanks...Recoil bursting through my hands...I should've done something, anything to save you...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here right now..."
Then, to himself: "Will I ever love again?"

Barely noticable, the beeps from Zoey's heart rate monitor sound quicker and quicker - a sign her heart is beating faster. Rythian didn't notice at first, but he did when they were almost at normal rate. He gasped, hoping he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. A female doctor walked in and also gasped.
"H-her heart! It pumps again!" she exclaimed, disbelief in her voice. She started tending to Zoey, making sure she would stay stable. Another doctor walked in and pushed Rythian out of the room, the mage trying to stay with his love, of course.

About 15 minutes later, a doctor came outside to get Rythian. "You can see her now," he informed him. Rythian only nodded and walked inside, heart pumping like crazy in his chest. Zoey looked at him as he walked in and smiled the same wonderful smile as she always had. "They say I'm gonna get a robo-arm. Cool, right?!" 
Rythian smiled at the girl's enthusiasm and sat down on the bed next to her. "I'm so glad you're still alive."

From a distance, a blonde scientist and his assistant looked at the village where Rythian, Zoey and Teep were staying. The small, black-haired assistant shook her shoulders.

"You know what they say, Dunc: Sell and never tell the cost of residue and lovers' dust ."


"Oh shut up, Kim."

Author's note:
Well, that was it! There were some inconsistencies with the canon storyline but what can you do? *shrugs*
Please, do leave suggestions for what I should write next! That is, character(s) or ship(s) and a song! Seeya next time!

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