memories from a past

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I quickly open my eyes and a gaze around the empty room. The sounds of a lively world outside woke me abruptly.
"Funny I don't recall falling asleep, and where am I?"
I asked myself as I studied my surroundings.
"Nothing looks familiar...what's that smell?"
The smell of baked goods fills the air as I climb out of the bed to collect myself. The clothing I'm wearing looks ridiculous where am I? When am I? I spot a thin jacket." Its way to hot and humid for that mess of a coat" I say as I slide my feet into a pair of leather shoes.
It's at this moment I notice I'm wearing wool socks. Walking toward the door I really begin to notice the colors of the walls and its as if the ceiling was barely being held over my head. Everything looked so brittle so unfinished so old.
"A top hat" I have to say laugh as it comes out. There's no way I'm wearing that, and its like a felt material. I think I had better leave that here.

Opening the door the hall matchs the room. I make my way down a hall and a flight of stairs before I see another person. I wonder if I look as silly as he did?
"Good morning" said the man
"Ummmmm good morning to you" I say as we exchange smiles.
I'm still smirking as I open the front door to the outside world.
"Wow" I whisper
People lots of people everywhere. I began to walk left following the smell. I easily become part of the moving crowd. I look toward the ground not trying to gain any unwanted attention. The smell its getting stronger. I can almost taste the fresh loaf and rolls with every step I take. I get caught up in my own daydream as I walk into the back of another pedestrian.
"Oh I'm so sorry. It was an accident" I said quickly.
The smell was so strong like I was standing right in top of it. I look up an i can see the sign. Not sure what it says it's foreign to me. But I can see bread in the windows. I guess I'll just walk in. "
What's the worst that could happen?" I ask my self as I open the door.

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