Wedding bells ring, luke screams

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IT WAS FINALLY THE DAY! I was marrying Luke!
Bry put on some amazing music from my phone and used an app rated 1 star for ages 3+ called "marry me!" I walked over to the column wearing my gown I found from last years dance. I looked right into looks eyes and said: "I do!" I started tearing up and used his credit card to wipe off the tears that fell down my face, followed by using it quickly so I could get all my lives back on candy crush! It was all perfect! Bry asked if we wanted to marry, and I held a bottle of freezing liquid nitrogen up to his face and said: "What do you say Luke?" He said: "Mmm MMMMM!" Which sounded like "I do" so I took it away. I said: " I do" and then kissed his duct taped mouth, his cheek, and his insurance card! It was a magical day I'll never forget!

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