Unikorns are my breakfast

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One day in school I was just sitting in class, day dreaming about everything having to do with Luke Korns. His hair, his face, his social security number, his eyes... just EVERYTHING.

My friend Diora was quietly sitting in the back and writing in big letters: DIORA CLAYTON (she's a bruhitszach fan btw)
And smiling.
I looked over and she held it up and whispered: "forever."
And I said: "If your talking about me and Luke then yeah." She bursted with laughter and said: "YASSSSSS!" Anyways,
After that I went back to dreaming of my hubby to be. LUCAS. THOMAS. KORNS. I thought about our wedding, and the cake at the wedding, and my dress, and the honeymoon, and the things we'd do at the honeymoon. (At night) (lol just kidding Jessie.)
And it was all so beautiful.
And then I would lean in for a kiss and pucker my lips and- "JESSIE FRY STOP FLIRTING KISSY FACES ARE INAPPROPRIATE!"
- and I was unaware I was acting this all out without realizing it.
"CLASS, turn to page 146 were learning about the body systems.
Today, the excretory system!"
"WHATS THAT?" Some kid yelled.
"It's the system you poop from."
Said the teacher.
The whole class laughed.
"Fine", the teacher said, "we'll learn about animals! Today, the cockatoo!"
And the whole class laughed while I dreamt of cleaning Luke's ears out.

*next chapter*

P.s. Jessie don't take this personal ok fam i love you to PEICES - Zane

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