Chapter 7: Large-wanted-thing

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Betty's POV:

I done the last eight laps and ran towards the fountain to get a drink. I was in the sports field with my team, wearing Andrew's big t-shirt that went over my shorts and my blue air maxes.

"Hi Betty!" Marcus yelled over to me, for the past few days we have gotten quite close and me and Gilbert had a talk the day i walked out of the restaurant.

"Hi, Marcy. Aren't you supposed to be on the track?"

"I'm done, just wanted to talk to you." I stiffened at his words 'talk with me'?

"A-a. What do you want talk about? Tell me!" I commanded in annoyance as looked around to see the rest of the team still working. Don't get me wrong, i was still pissed with Gilbert, but i couldn't break up with him. I couldn't ignore the smooches we shared in the hallway, i couldn't get over the times we had cussed each other or the times he had manipulated me into us forgetting about the restraunt  scene.

Oh fucking hell I'm turning into a girl!

I then took a short glance at Marcus, taking in his slim cheekbones and hazel eyes with whitened teeth and muscles. He was handsome, he was wearing low cut shorts with a towel around his neck, showing skin and he was smirking at me.

Had I glanced too long.

"Are you even listening to me? Checking me out, huh?" He suddenly placed both of his large hands on my shoulders and stared into my hazel eyes. "Should I remind you that you are the best captain we have ever had! We love you and we believe that you are going to make us win the Kinder Kits next week! Don't fucking let us down!" He announced, making me feel a little down.

Was I really going to lead the team to victory? I mean the Kinder Kits are one of the greatest teams in town. But so are we, I nodded solemnly and shook his arms off my shoulders.

"Well Marcy I think I need a new nickname for you!" I smirked as I saw the the massive gleam appear on his face, he whitened teeth showing.

"Well Betty, I don't have a nickname for you... you want one?" I have a nickname fetish, I mean, who doesn't want nickname? Quite a lot of people, but I want the world to be full of nicknames. That'll create world peace...

"Yup, what do you have for me? Throw some!" I glanced back at the rest of the team, they were still doing laps on the track, most of them were breathing heavily they were sweating like they had just had a shower in their clothes.

It was discusting!

Marcus titled his head to the side and gazed at the sky, probably thinking of a nickname. "How about Bee? No that's what Andrew calls you...Sorel? Nuh. Bet?"

"What on earth Marcy?"I glared at him in annoyance, why the fuck would anyone want their nickname to be bet?

Holy shit, why would my parents choose the name Betty for me? Well I haven't seen them in ages, haven't even got a hold of my mother yet.  

"Ok well I'll sleep on it. Tommorow I'll give you a nickname, baby!" Marcus ran off back to the track leaving me with a confused and disgusted face, hadn't he already finished running? Why the hell would he call me baby? The way he said 'baby' reminded me of Sandra's favourite song. Baby by Justin Bieber...

So tommorow I was going to get a new nickname.

I was ready.





I ran up to Sandra and then pulled the head phones off her head. She then jumped and turned her head to face me, with a grin, she pulled me towards her and pulled her arm around my neck. "Hi lil girl!" Sandra dragged me along the hallway all the way to my locker, we rambled on about football and the tournament next week. It was raid of the school.

I waited for her as she opened her locker and then she looked at the center of the hallway and then rolled her eyes at the figure behind me. I followed her gaze and saw...


Putting on a fake smile I leaned across my locker and waited for him to pucker up. Sandra rolled her eyes again and walked off, Gilbert smirked at me and placed his hand above my shoulder on the locker. "Hey Sorel, what are you up to?" He asked me, his voice husky and his breath smelt of minty mouthwash.

"Nothing..." I bit my lip in satisfaction, knowing that it made his "large-wanted-thing" grow. We hadn't done anything yet, though I also wasn't a virgin.

He leaned in to kiss my neck as I placed two of my arms around his shoulders, unaware of the students by he started to rub my back in circular motions and then he backed out. Asking me for permission he kissed me on the lips with full force and desperation, he wanted my lips.

I pulled back and rubbed my lips, the students were starting to stare at me, some with wonder, some with disappointment, some with wanting and some with jealousy. I repeatedly rubbed my lips ferociously and glared at him even though he hadn't done anything wrong.

"What the fuck Gilbert? You ask me 'what are you up to'? And then you fucking kiss me?" Though I had let him in, kiss him....We never talked, I wanted that type of relationship. Where both male and female listen to each others problems, make love, have fun... Besides, i was only by the lockers because I was waiting for Sandra. What was the point of being here?

Kai's POV:

"Baby....Love me...kiss me...." The music on the radio was playing whilst I drove. Me and Harry were driving to Baldwin Park, we were going to take photos again. Well I was.

"Harry, turn off the music!" I hated love songs, don't get me wrong. They had slow love songs, sex love songs and loud fast love songs. It made me feel as if I was the bad guy who didn't have any commitment. Well I guess I was but I didn't need some stupid slow song to tell me.


"Cause you know why!" I switched the station to another station that was playing 'Work by Rhianna and Drake'. I smirked knowing that Harry hated songs that repeated themselves.

We arrived at Baldwin Park both with grins on our faces, I waved Harry off and told him to wait for me at the curb as I parked the car.

"So what should we do first?" Harry inhaled the fresh air as I looked at the lake that joined the sweet horizon, there was a sand pit in the middle and on the other side was the play area. "Harry, I'll go and take photos. Did you take your meds before school?" I checked, Harry nodded as I rushed towards the lake to take photos.

I have two instagram accounts, one about me and one secret one about photos. Both of them have over one million followers but the photos one is a secret one because no one knows who takes the photos and who owns the account.

Smirking, I take my camera out of my large jacket pocket and start taking photos, I know I am a loon but I have to keep the bad boy thing up.





"Can we go home now?" I hear Harry growl behind me as I nod and keep on taking photos.

I lift my phone out of my other pocket to take a selfie.

Me and my handsome killer genes.

I comment under the photo and then post it on Instagram, putting my phone on mute so I don't get a raging headache.


By the way, I don't really like Justin Bieber...

Get it? I. Am. Not. A. Belieber. FAN!

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