chapter 10 solos week

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," Dalton said one more time before picking me up.

"Kristine your up," they told me.

I kissed Dalton. Than made my way on to the stage.

I looked at the audience, the judges, my family, than back to Dalton. Who gave me a boyish smile and a wink.

"Play On"

What you're gonna do when the show is over
What you're gonna sing when the the song ends
How you're gonna cope when there is no closure
Where you're gonna reach when the goal gets higher
How you're gonna make it through
When you think you lost your chance

Play on when you're losing the game
Play on 'cause you're gonna make mistakes
It's always worth the sacrifice
Even when you think you're wrong
So play on

Even when the floodgates swing wide open
Never let the current take you down, no
Even when you're not sure where you're going
Swimming through a mess and you can't get out
Just going through the motions
Trying not to drown

Play on when you're losing the game
Play on 'cause you're gonna make mistakes
It's always worth the sacrifice
Even when you think you're wrong
So play on

Even through a storm on the darkest night
Don't you ever give up the fight
Even when you feel you're all alone

Play on, play on

Play on when you're losing the game
Play on 'cause you're gonna make mistakes
It's always worth the sacrifice
Even when you think you're wrong
So play on

"Oh my gosh KRISTINE," Jennifer yelled! "I like it when you perform you bring the emotion and energy. And you perform."

"Jennifer is right and you stayed on it perfectly and that's a good thing," Keith added.

"No offense to the other contestants here I feel like there is going to be competition for you have the talent and spirit to win this competition," Harry told me.

I couldn't help but smile and be so excited.

Soon it was the waiting time till they seperate into different rooms. Letting us know if we get in or not.

I was sitting with Dalton. Playing with my moms necklace.

"Kristine," Dalton said grabbing my hands.

I looked him into his eyes. There was hope and light.

"We got this," Dalton told me.

"When I call you name your name your going into the first room," the crew member said.

They were saying the names. "Dalton."

They called.

Dalton gave me a kiss and followed them.

Than they called the second group. And they still hadn't called my name.

Lastly they called the 3rd group. and I finally heard my name. I followed them into the room.

I see Tristan and walked over.

"I'm nervous," Tristan told me.

I nodded. "Is Gianna in here?"

She shook her head. " she was called into the first room."

"Same with Dalton," I told her.

Daltons P.O.V

I was following the crowd into the first room. I look back to see Kristine.

I smiled and she returned one back. And I went into the room.

"Dalton," I see Kristines friend Gianna.

"Is Tristan in here," I asked her?

Gianna shook her head. "Kristine?"

"I dont think so," I said looking around one more time.

All of a sudden we heard the door open to see the judges walk in. The room went silent.

And everyone started to hold hands.

"As you guys know that we have to say goodbye to a big group of people today," Jennifer said. "But good thing that none of you today."

Soon everyone screamed and cheered. I found myself bro hugging Jordan.

"Dalton how does it feel,” the camera guy asked?

"Its so exciting. I just hope Kristine makes it," I told them.

I really do.

Kristine P.O.V

We heard screaming from a room across the way.

Soon it went quiet and our door opened. And the judges come walking in.

"So you the process that we have to let go of people today," Keith implies. "But for you guys that won't be today."

I looked at Tristan. Then we screamed along with everyone.

"AHHH we made," we screamed.

Soon the judges opened the door. And we all booked it to see another group of people made it through.

I spotted Dalton and Jumped into his arms.

"We did it," I cheered.

"Told you,"Dalton smiled.

I smiled and gave him a kiss.

But this is just the beginning its time for the hard parts are coming soon.

But as long as I have Dalton by my side I can do anything.

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