Amelia turns around now facing the other vampire. "You know how I feel about you Vanessa but things are different now. Years have passed. I cannot wait for you to quit."

Vanessa laughs, "You told me that thirty years ago and here we are." The red head pecks Amelia on the lips and snuggles deep into her. "I know you care for me but I see you care for her too."


"- Don't waste your time trying to deny it Amelia. You know I hate when you lie to me." Vanessa kisses Amelia one last time and then slowly falls asleep.

Amelia lays there wide awake. Thoughts were flooding her mind. Vanessa was right. She and the other vampire go way back. After the incident, that happened to Amelia in her early years the blonde became very closed in. She had barriers no one could tear down and she only took lovers. She never wished to marry again and all the other crowned heads thought she was odd for this. Only Helen understood. When she met Vanessa in 1898 she thought it was going to be the same again. She believed Vanessa was just going to be her lover but things became more.

Vanessa always came back through the years and they created a secret bond. Vanessa was the only one to break down her walls. Vanessa showed her the meaning of love. She introduced her to cuddling. She never knew you could just lie in bed with your lover.

However, they never could become serious. Vanessa job prevented that. She was always there for a few weeks and then gone for a long time. Sometimes months and sometimes years, never longer than five, Vanessa promised she would never let her wait that long.

But now there was Aria, Now there was someone else, and this made Amelia question her feelings for Vanessa. Was it true? Did she have for feeling Aria? True feelings.


Heather bites her lip when she sees a very excited Aria walking into the kitchen. She had heard the rumors of Amelia going into Vanessa chambers last night. She knew Aria had finally come to like the vampire and this would hurt her if Amelia bails on her about their date.

"Good morning." Aria happily smiles. Her hair was very curly and she was wearing a blood red dress and gold jewelry. She looked really nice. Even Heather took several looks.

"Good morning." Heather replies. "Pancakes for you darling." She winks.

Aria glances at the clock and then begins to dig into her pancakes. "Have you seen Amelia? She was not in her chambers. I figured she was down here."

Heather begins to turn red. She hated lying but she really hated when her friends were sad. She didn't want to hurt Aria feelings. "I-

"She is with Vanessa isn't she?" Aria asks. She wasn't stupid. Maybe a little for leaving Amelia with Vanessa but she wanted to trust the vampire and that was her test. Aria stabs at the pancakes. Amelia failed the test.

"It's fine Heather." Aria sighs. God. She was so stupid. Trusting the vampire! What was she thinking?

Heather the good friend she is begins to talk about other things. "We should go out there sometime?"

"Yeah, I love roller coasters. It will give me that home feeling."

"Good morning."

Aria rolls her eyes and pushes her plate away. She storms out the kitchen leaving an awkward Heather and a confused Amelia.

The vampire quickly chases after the human. "Hey." She was now in front of an angry brunette. "Are you ready to go?"

"You slept with Vanessa last night?" Aria explodes. Amelia knew she was mad. She was doing the thing with her hands. Amelia takes two steps back. She couldn't handle another slap. She would probably lose her temper.

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