Just try to breath

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Anyone who was still awake in Classroom 16A sat quietly, impatiently, and most of all, eagerly. All while trying to pay attention to the front of the classroom .

Everyone was waiting for the class to end. Two girls sat in the back of the room, quietly talking to themselves as everyone tried to not pass out from the rising heat in the room, and the loathsome monotone voice trying to finish his lecture.

" You should just talk to him Hinata.. I'm sure he won't mind." Sakura's voice was low, but firm. She had her chin rested on one of her palms, while her other hand fanned her damp skin.

" Uh-hmm.. It's stupid, lets just forget about it. " Hinata sighed, her eyes seemed heavy as she became more sleepy from the rising humidity in the room. Her hair was pulled to the side and was put into a braid, but even that wasn't enough. The heat was unbearable and making everyone crazy.

" You know what's stupid... Him.." Sakura spoke, her face twisting into a distasteful scowl. She narrowed her eyes and sighed. Not even slightly amused by what the boy of their discussion was doing.

Hinata peered over her shoulder and took a quick glance at the guy behind them. The boy who they were whispering about wasn't even remotely paying attention. He sat while resting his chin on his hands and trying to balance a pencil between his top lip and his nose, not even noticing the two women looking at him.

Hinata could feel her already warm cheeks begin to flush the longer she looked at him, and she couldn't help but smile when she noticed the pencil fall, and him begin to fan his short, wet, blonde hair.

" What an idiot.. I haven't seen him take any notes at all this semester, you know? The final is in like, a week.. He's going to fail."

Sakura spoke again, this time her look of disgust was replaced with a wide grin as she reached over to Hinata.

" You're going out with me this weekend, right?.. I need a side kick to help me sort through all the creeps at the party on Saturday. "

Sakura pulled back and sat in her own chair, groaning and now using two hands to fan her drenched hair and face. She sighed uncomfortably and opened one eye to look at Hinata's response.

" Aren't.. you with Sasuke though? " Hinata spoke, turning to speak to Sakura as quiet as possible. The moment Hinata said Sasuke's name she knew it was a mistake. It was something to talk about in quiet, not in a classroom and surrounded by people.

" Pffft, what!? THAT GUY?!.." Sakura spoke loudly, and with such anger that the professor paused his lecture to see what the fuss was about.

Sakura covered up her mouth and ducked down. Embarrassed, she buried her head in her arms.

" It's too fucking hot, let us go home! " A boy's voice shook through the room, angry and heavy. Hinata looked over and noticed it was a boy she knew, a boy she grew up with. Kiba Inuzuka.

Kiba huffed again, this time hunching over and angrily gripping the desk he was sitting at. The professor looked around the room and noticed how lifeless his class had become.

" Class dismissed.."

Sakura spoke quietly to Hinata as the both of them got up.

" Me and Sasuke are, complicated." She paused and the look of angst left her the moment she said Sasuke's name. " Were dating, but he's always away at graduate school.." Sakura finished what she had meant to say earlier and remembered what she had wanted to say.

" I meant sort through the creeps and have a good time, you don't need to have a boyfriend to have a good time.."

Sakura continued to speak to Hinata about her and Sasuke, and how much she missed him, and how he had promised to come home after he was done with school. She carried on about how they would start their lives together, and how they would find a house and finally settle down. Hinata listened intently, but made sure to glance at the boy from earlier, the one she had been trying to work up the courage to talk to all semester, Naruto Uzumaki. But the moment class was over he gathered up his things and put in some head phones before quickly exiting the classroom.

Lift. [ A NaruHina Fanfiction ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن