[09] The Auction House

Start from the beginning

She scrubbed my body with a rough cloth that burnt my skin and stung my still bleeding cuts. At least it smelt good, because Helga didn't care if it hurt me. She was just here to clean me up so I could be sold and she could then get paid her share.

When I was finally all clean, I felt somewhat better. She told me to get up so I could be dried off, but I only looked at her with a deadpanned stare.

Shrugging, she dried her hands on her dirty apron, "Fine, I'll get Bruce back in here to help and I know he won't be too nice about it..."

My fingers shot out and wrapped tightly around the edge of the tub; so tightly, in fact, that my knuckles turned white with the effort.

I hated the fact that Helga in a sense was actually nice to me. She threatened to do things and I believed her as it has happened before, but she only did so when it was absolutely necessary. She gave me the chance to not get hurt. And in that respect, she was nice to me.

Once again, I hated that.

It gave me a big reason to not be too difficult for her. If anything, I suppose I should be grateful when I do see her when I am here. She cleans me and doesn't beat me that often.

Pulling all of my strength together, I put it to work towards the one simple task of lifting my lean body out of the tub to my full height. I was considered to be on the slightly tall side on human standards, but short in comparison to other angels. My arms and legs were shaking as I stepped out of the tub and stood next to it naked and still feeling halfway to death.

Yet the realization of what was happening to me put me back into my foul, angry mood and I began to feed off that anger. Jaw clenched, I forced myself to stand up straighter and more proud, holding my shoulders back slightly.

She inspected me one last time for any other cuts or abbreviations that she may need to tend to; "You seem to have grown in woman since you were last here..." she commented.

The old woman had been referring to my breasts and hips. I've filled out my body as I matured while being stuck on Earth for such a long period of time but it is for no reason except to be raped again by my new master. Not really looking forward to that.

Shivers suddenly ran all along my body, causing goose bumps to cover my skin. My arms instinctively wrapped around my torso to stop the cold from freezing my core. Helga both didn't seem to notice or care as she went over to a closet and got something for me to wear.

Helga came back holding what looked like a bundle of thick black strips of cloth. But as she held it out and tried to unroll it, it was actually a two piece outfit that of intricately woven designs of the ribbon that would wrap densely around my breast and hips and more lightly around my torso and halfway down each arm and leg. I noticed a simple pair of small black slippers. The back, I also saw, was mostly bare to expose my tattoo.

However, I don't think I would consider this clothing.

"What a stubborn thing they make you wear..." she mumbled as she put it on my now dried body. I wanted to smirk at the comment. I'm pretty sure that I was the only angel they dressed in black and in such intricate outfits.

She quickly dried my hair as best as she could with a rag and brushed out the tangles. My dark locks hung straight down my back and now shone brilliantly in the bright light. As she went to work on my tattoo, she forced me to stand up in the middle of the room. My legs went numb after having to stand for so long when I haven't used them in almost a week but I knew I had to stand there or else she would call in Bruce again.

The humans made a weird fat and oily sort of substance that they put over an angels tattoo to make it look healthy again and more pronounced in color. It also allows me temporarily let me free my wings without the use of my power. This only worked until it dried and soaked into my skin.

Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now