She rolled her eyes sympathetically, having noticed the entire thing. The sexual tension between the two was almost unbearable these days! Maybe she should just help them along, and-- oh my god I sound like Francis.

Antonio and Lovino exchanged a glance as they saw a strange, horrified look flash onto their friend's face. Then, Antonio turned his attention to the angel in front of him.

"So. What's wrong?"

Lovino sighed, causing the raptors to swoop onto him in the form of Belle and Antonio. They had him now.

The young man leaned his chin on his hand and pursed his lips. "I'm just... kind of worried about my family." He said slowly, worry creeping onto his young features.

Antonio and Belle stared. He had barely even mentioned his family to them previously. Neither one had really even considered it before now, but they could see how Lovino would be torn up about it. His kin obviously had no idea that he was here, and most likely thought he was dead.

"The reason I was in the woods in the first place was that I'd had a huge argument with my grandfather." As Lovino continued to explain the missing pieces of his story, his companions' eyes grew wider and wider.

No wonder he had been acting strange lately. He must have been feeling guilty about leaving like that, and the circumstances were downright horrible. His grandfather and brother probably thought that they'd never see him again. They had no idea where he was, nor that he was safe and- well, aside from missing two rather significant appendages- sound.

"So now I can't tell them where I am, because I have no earthly idea where the hell they are. I don't know if I could get to them even if I did, since our land is designed to be impossible for humans to get to. And even then, how the fuck would I explain this?!" He gestured to his back. "Nonno would freak out, and fratello would cry for hours and keep hugging me and I can never handle that and-" he took a deep breath.

"Sorry. I guess I'm a little worked up."

"I think you've earned the right." Belle muttered. Antonio nodded numbly.

Belle decided it was time for a change of subject, and (though she'd never admit it) she knew that sad tension could very well lead to intense make-out sessions, which the two boys before her were seriously in need of. She got up and walked toward the door. "I'll get some ice cream from the market. Mint chocolate chip makes everything better."

She winked at Lovino and mouthed 'don't have too much fun,' before closing the door. What did she mean by that? Lovino thought, even though he fully well knew the implications. The two men listened to the car start and pull out of the driveway, driving off.

They were alone.

Suddenly Antonio turned to Lovino, looking right into his eyes. Lovino's face slowly turned a deep crimson. The way Antonio was gazing at him was something that he realized he'd wanted for a long time.

"...are you alright?" It took a moment for Antonio's question to register.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah."

Antonio moved closer to him, standing over him much like he had been before. Only this time, there was a different feeling to it.

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