Chapter 12: Headlights

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Maddison's P.O.V

I was laying in bed until I felt myself being shooken lightly. Ugh I don't want to get up.

"Maddison get up. We have to get going." Ed said as he continued to shake me. Does he not realize it's 6:45 in the morning!

"Ed do you see how early it is what the hell!" He chuckled. Alright now im confused.

"C'mon im going to take you somewhere " He said sweetly. There is no way I could be mad at him.

"Where could you possibly go at 6:45 in the morning?"

"Just get up and be ready by 7:00 okay?" He asked. I nodded knowing I would not be able to get out of this situation so, I got up and jumped in the shower. Ed told me to pack enough clothes for the weekend so I did. By the time I was done with everything it was already 7:00, and I still had no idea where we were going.

Ed's P.O.V

To make up for taking Maddison to the pub, and getting temporarily kidnapped by her ex, I decided to fly us out to California, she always tells me about how she has always wanted to go. But she still has no idea where we are going. I figured we could use a weekend away from everything that has been happening. So, what better place than Cali?

"Ready to go?" I asked Maddison. She just nodded and we put our bags in the trunk. We got in my car and I pulled out the driveway, looking forward to this weekend.

Maddison's P.O.V

We have been in the car for half an hour. Ugh.

"Ed where are we going?"

"To the airport."


"Because im flying us out to California." Ed said with a huge smile. All I could do was smile and I mouthed thank you to him because I was to excited to actually say it. He was still looking at me and smiling. That is when I saw headlights heading towards his side of the car. I started to panic.

"ED LOOK OUT!" I screamed to him. But by the time he turned around it was to late. The other car smashed right into the drivers side of the car, where Ed was. Then my vision went blurry, then slowly faded away.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Was all I continuously heard. I woke up with a bunch of wires attached to me, and I was in a hospital bed. Then I had remembered what happened. I woke up, packed, me and Ed were going to the airport to fly to Cali... OH MY GOD ED! I need to see of he is ok!

Just then a tall man with a clipboard walked in, who I assumed was the doctor.

"Hello Maddison. How are you feeling?" He said to me. But I wasn't thinking about myself at the moment, I was thinking about Ed.

"Where is Ed?! Is he alright?" I nearly shouted while breathing heavily.

"He is still being ran under tests, but you don't need to worry about that right now. You need some rest."

"REST!? I don't need rest! What I need is to see Ed!" I yelled standing up off the bed. The pain was unbearable but I didn't care. I had to see Ed.

I ripped the needles out of my arm and ran for the door but I was stopped by the doctor and about three other nurses.

"I HAVE TO SEE ED!" I screamed but it did no justice. One of the nurses injected a needle into my shoulder, and my vision faded.

I woke up again in the bed, but no needles attached to me this time.

The doctor was standing beside my bed, and I sat up. He looked down at me conserningly.

"Are you feeling alright Maddison?"

"Ugh yea I guess. Doctor?"


"Please let me see him." I said with tears streaming down my face. He wiped one of my tears away.

"Alright." He showed me to Ed's room. I walked in and gasped at the sight. He looked so pale and lifeless laying in that hospital bed. His body was covered in bruises and deep gashes. I immediately sank to my knees by his bed and started crying, not bothering to hold back my tears. He was in a vegetable state and the doctor said he would be that way for a while. I slapped his face lightly for a few times.

"C'mon Ed. Don't leave me like this. Please wake up." My sobs were now louder and uncontrollable.

"Please." Nothing.

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