Bang Bang There Goes Your Heart

Start from the beginning

Shaking your head you tuck the toy away on the couch so he'll have it for the movie marathon tonight, you had all the hero movies lined up. First you'd watch Iron man and work your way up to Avengers 2. After the disk was taken into the DVD player you set it up at the home screen, but before you could take a seat the doorbell rings.

"Perfect timing! Pizza's here~!"

Answering the door you are met with a slightly younger male with brown hair and...what the heck color were his eyes? Hazel? Green? While you stared at his eyes trying to figure out what genetics created them he clears his throat to get your attention back on the order. A bit of a blush rose to his face as he spoke to you.

"Two medium pepperoni pizzas with garlic sticks and a liter soda correct?" You nod a bit while grabbing the money out your purse. "Here let me give you a tip for the hard nights work, lord knows I wish I could have that at my job" you both managed a few bits of laughter as money was exchanged for the food.

Unbeknownst to you Hero was watching the interaction. As you go to close the door the green eyed boy spoke up in a hurry. " know this is sudden know..are you free--" Suddenly the door is jerked open to reveal a slightly damp, half naked Hero who's cold blue eyes glare down at the other. One hand ran through his golden wet hair as he spoke. "No. (Y/n) isn't free, she's spending the night with me."

Managing a glance at the boys name tag he glared harder almost growing more possessively pissed. "Don't ever come back here, brat. If you do I'll kick your ass so hard you'll be shitting blood." With that Hero held you possessively and shut the door on the poor boys face.  You couldn't believe his cold personality just then...where was your sweetheart of a cat?

Still in shock you watch as Hero takes the food from you and walks off to the couch, "stupid human brat trying to take you away. Who names their kid Jeager anyways?"

"Hero!" You shout startling the poor cat who looked at you almost innocently. "What were you thinking? That poor delivery guy wasn't causing any harm! You didn't have to be so awful!" What in the world has been going on in that small mind of his all week.

In his defense Hero shoots up and placed a hand on his chest "he was gonna steal you away from me!"

Again, you were confused. As confused as when he sniffs you everyday."Hero, what the hell are you talking about?"

A little hurt reflects in baby blue eyes as he finds himself averting that gaze, "you come home smelling like other males, you're gonna leave me." While what he did just now was terrible you were starting to put two and two together to understand why.

He continued, "it's not fair I can't go out with you. I can't protect you or anything cooped up in this place day after day. I failed and you're gonna throw me out onto the street!" Hero lowered his head fighting back the tears that wished to come.

You mentally face palmed when it all connected. It was a simple misunderstanding that's all so much so you couldn't help but giggle softly while moving closer and wrapping your arms around his torso. "I want you to understand something. I'd NEVER throw you out onto the street even if I did start seeing someone." His body tenses up hearing that last part and you clarified. "I'm not seeing anyone. What you're smelling is my co-worker. We're doing a project together for the boss so all this week I've been spending time with him in my office."

Hero relaxed and held you while mindlessly rocking back and forth "then what was the one I smelled when you came home from the store?" He knew for sure that wasn't the same as when you went to that place called work.

"I found a cute cat with it's friend and played with them. Wow, could you really smell when I'm around other male felines too?" He really must have an acute sense of smelling. "Still, Hero that doesn't excuse how you just acted I don't like seeing that side of you" shutting your eyes you held onto him tighter, "you're a sweetheart and sweethearts don't threaten others with beating them so hard they'll shit blood."

His chest vibrated with laughter at the recollection of his threat to which you smacked his back some not happy about the amusement. You'll have to call the pizza place tomorrow and apologize.

As things began to calm down you were slowly taking in the fact that a half naked, American neko was holding you against his hard toned chest. The blood slowly began to rise to your face as you tried to scramble away from him though his grip only tightened.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)? Afraid of a little 'ol cat?" He chuckled as his finger trailed down your spine visibly making you shiver in his grasp. Before things get too weird he lets go and returns back to his usual carefree expression, "let's go eat I'm starving bro~" hopping onto the couch Hero grabbed his toy and kept it near while raiding the food.

You were left standing not far off with the drumming of your heart pounding within your ears wondering where 'that' personality came from. "(Y/n)?" he glanced up after finishing half his pizza slice and licked his lips while using his thumb to wipe the corner of his mouth. "Hurry and start the movie we've got a lot to do and so little time."

You swore your heart stopped right then and there at the strange way his blue eyes reflect a hint of mischief that is to come. His smile is so a lie.

That night was for sure the night you began to feel something more grow in the depths of your heart for the spoiled neko you know as Hero.

~*(A/N: Hurray! another one down and...well who knows how many more to go. I'll probably only do one more and if I feel like adding to it then I'll do so. This story isn't meant to be a long one. On a side note that song Bang Bang has been stuck in my head all day, curse you catchy tunes! >.< )*~

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